Radar Training System, LabVolt Series
© Festo Didactic
Analog Outputs (4)
Voltage Range
-10 to +10 V
600 Ω
Digital Outputs (4)
Test Points
Physical Characteristics
Dimensions (H x W x D)
114 x 110 x 209 mm (4.5 x 4.3 x 8.2 in)
Net Weight
0.6 kg (1.4 lb)
Accessories for 8097-1
8112515 (9688-00)
The Accessories for 8097-1 set contains all the cables and
accessories necessary for the operation of the Basic Radar
Training System, Model 8097-1. These include: SMA flexible
cables, BNC cables, a DB9 cable, an antenna motor driver cable,
BNC tees, SMA attenuators, an SMA 50 Ω load, a measuring
tape, a level, a waveguide-to-coax adapter, a horn antenna
support, and quick-lock fasteners.
Accessories for 8097-2
8112516 (9688-A0)
The Accessories for 8097-2 set contains a DB15 cable, a USB
port cable, an RJ-45 connector crossover cable, an Ethernet
adapter (network card) to be installed in the radar host
computer, two semi-circular targets, a multiple target holder to
be used with the Target Positioning System and the LVRTS
software CD-ROM.
Accessories for 8097-A
8129037 (9688-D0)
The Accessories for 8097-A set contains a low-RCS target
support with a storage stand, an adjustable base and long
interconnection cables for the Rotating-Antenna Pedestal,
additional BNC and SMA cables, a tripod with an antenna mast,
a large horn antenna, a small metal plate target, a small metal
plate target with radar absorbing material (RAM) on one side,
and a reflective aircraft target (777-Boeing scale model).