Error exclusion
Plan suitable action to prevent wiring errors:
Error exclusion in wiring according to EN 61800-5-2.
Monitoring of the outputs and wiring up to the servo drive by the switching equipment.
Safety relay unit
Use suitable safety relay units with the following characteristics:
2-channel outputs with
cross-circuit detection
required output current (also for STO)
low test impulses up to a maximum length of 1 ms
Evaluation of the diagnostic outputs of the servo drive
Safety relay units with high test impulses can be used with the following restrictions:
Test impulses up to 1 ms in length
Test impulses are not simultaneous/overlapping on #STO-A/B and #SBC-A/B
The resulting safety-related classification depends on the evaluation of diagnostic feedbacks STA,
9.1 Technical data, safety equipment, safety data STO and SBC.
Suitable would be, for example, the safety relaysPilz PNOZmulti, Pilz PNOZmulti Mini or SIEMENS ET
200SP with PP-switching output modules.
Interfaces of the PDS
The interfaces of the PDS(SR) (Power Drive System, safety related) to the outside world are:
Power supply
Inputs and diagnostic check-back signals
Movement of the shaft
Output for controlling a second brake
Interfaces of the PDS
Product overview
Festo — CMMT-AS-...-S1 — 2018-02