The Company reserves the right to change or modify the
product specifications. This equipment must be subjected to
periodic maintenance to ensure that the water supplied by it maintains its
drinking characteristics. The technical information contained in this manual is
owned by Ferroli spa and the reproduction, even partial, of this manual is
prohibited. Any use or abuse of this will be prosecuted according to the terms of
the law. The manual must be carefully preserved and possibly delivered to the
new owner in case of transfer of the device. The data contained in this manual are
indicative and not binding. Ferroli spa reserves the right to modify this manual
without notice.
Magnetic dirt separator filter complete with cartridge and magnet
2 gaskets
1 Kit of spare gaskets
Instruction manual
The device is guaranteed for 2 years from the date of purchase. The warranty does
not apply to components subject to normal wear and tear or for any damage
caused during transport. Proper operation, the durability of the equipment and
the sealing O-rings depend on the correct installation, the intended use, the
frequency of maintenance and the quality of the water.
We recommend the user checks the integrity of the filter and the contents of the
box before installation.
The magnetic dirt separator filter is a device designed to stop the solid impurities
circulating inside a winter air conditioning system. The dual function of filtering
and blocking ferrous particles through an internal magnet allows for a complete
elimination of solid impurities contained in the system, preserving the life of the
heat generator and its components. The appliance is supplied complete ready to
be installed.
The magnet used in the dirt separator is contained inside a stainless steel casing.
The magnetic system can therefore represent a potential form of danger and
certain warnings must be respected.
ATTENTION: Pacemaker
Magnets can interfere with the functioning of implanted pacemakers and
defibrillators. If you are wearing one of these devices, keep a safety distance from
the magnet of at least 30 cm. Warn the wearers of these devices not to approach
the magnet.
ATTENTION: Electric conductibility
Magnets are made of metal and conduct electricity.
Magnetic fields generated by inadequately packaged magnets can cause
interference in automatic sorting systems and damage goods found in other
packages. Use a large box and place the magnets in the centre of the package,
surrounding them with packaging material. If necessary, use a metal plate to
shield the magnetic field.
ATTENTION: Magnetic field
Magnets generate a powerful and extensive magnetic field. They can damage
televisions and laptops, credit and debit cards, computer media, mechanical
watches, hearing aids, speakers and other devices. Keep magnets away from all
devices that could be damaged.
ATTENTION: Air transport
Magnetic fields generated by inadequately packed magnets can affect aircraft
navigation devices. Ship magnets by air freight only in packaging that has
sufficient magnetic shielding.
ATTENTION: Effect on people
According to current knowledge, the magnetic fields of permanent magnets have
no measurable, positive or negative effect on people. It is unlikely that the
magnetic field of a permanent magnet is harmful to health, but this risk cannot
be entirely excluded. For safety, avoid prolonged contact with the magnets.
ATTENTION: Heat resistance
Neodymium magnets have a maximum operating temperature of 80°C. Most
Neodymium magnets permanently lose some of their attraction force at a
temperature above 80°C. Do not use the magnets for applications other than
those intended.
The dirt separator can be installed in a VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL configuration on
the return circuit before entering the boiler, in order to intercept impurities that
could damage the boiler itself and the circulators. For easier cleaning, we
recommend installing the shut-off valve supplied.
The dirt separator tank can contain a maximum of approx. 40 gr. of MOLY
chemical powder for protecting up to 110 lt. of water contained in the system
(NOT SUPPLIED). For higher dosages repeat the operation several times.
Close the shut-off valve inlet to the dirt separator filter. Open by unscrewing
the lower cup of the dirt separator filter anticlockwise.