Rubber vibration dampers
Allow to reduce the transmission to the unit support plane of the mechanical vibrations generated by the compressor
and by the pumps in their normal operating mode.
Plant tank
to increase the thermal inertia of the plant and to guarantee a higher stability of the water sent
to the hydronic distribution circuits.
Remote thermostat
(wired or wireless)
Allows operating mode selection and set point adjustment. The on board temperature sensor can be used in order
to realize a climatic control.
Remote control
(wired or wireless)
Replicates all the control and visualization functionalities of the controller installed on the unit. The on board
temperature sensor can be used in order to realize a climatic control.
LPB bus interface
Connected to the unit controller, allows to communicate on the LPB bus, required for the cascade management.
Wireless transmitter
Connected to the unit controller, allows to communicate with the wireless remote control and the wireless outdoor
temperature sensor.
BSB wireless transmitter
Connected to the communication bus (BSB) of the unit controller, allows to communicate with the wireless remote
control and the wireless outdoor temperature sensor.
Wireless repeater
Extends wireless operating range.
Wireless adaptor for
outdoor temperature sensor
Allows to transform the wired outdoor temperature sensor, standard for all the units, in a wireless sensor.
Condensate sensor
In cooling mode it allows the minimum flow temperature control when condensate generation occurs.
Room hygrostat
In cooling mode it allows the minimum flow temperature control according to the room humidity.
Room humidity sensor
(with or without display)
In cooling mode it allows the minimum flow temperature control according to the room dew point, calculated from
the measured room humidity.
230V / 24V - 3VA
It assures the correct power supply for the condensate sensor and for the room humidity sensor.
Tank in the flow
The tank allows to increase the thermal inertia of the system.
The distribution circuits must be designed taking into account
the minimum water flow rate to be guaranteed through the heat
pump and the required available static heads.
The heat pump control is based on the return temperature which
is steadily monitored keeping always running the heat pump cir-
culation pump.
Primary - secondary tank
The tank, besides increasing the thermal inertia of the system,
operates also as hydraulic separator allowing an optimized ma-
nagement of the distribution circuits of the plant.
The heat pump control is based on the tank temperature and the
heat pump circulation pump is activated only when necessary.
ACCESSORY : Plant tank
The tank is equipped with 4 hydraulic fittings and can therefore be configured either as tank in the flow or as primary-secondary tank
modifying the connection pipes with the heat pump.