Not reversible heat pump (IH) without options
Reversible heat pump (IP) without options
Plant side
flow rate
(standard, high head or modulating)
Allows the circulation of the water on the plant side.
With the modulating pump is possible to control the flow rate in order to keep
constant the temperature difference between inlet and outlet.
Soft starter
Reduces the compressor start current.
The controller flexibility and the big number of options available
allow to get, for each model, a lot of different configurations that
integrate inside the heat pump many components of the plant
and allow to realize compact and tested installations.
In order to select the right configuration it is necessary to define
the type of plant to which the heat pump will be connected, both
for what concerning the heating and cooling circuits, and for
what concerning the domestic hot water management.
Option “Plant side flow rate management”
Pump (standard or high head or modulating)