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3541E901  -  Rev. 00  -  12/2015

Room temperature adjustment (with optional remote timer control)

Using the remote timer control, set the required temperature in the rooms. The boiler will
adjust the system water according to the required room temperature. For operation with
remote timer control, please refer to the relevant instruction manual.

Hot water tank exclusion (economy)

Hot water tank temperature maintaining/heating can be excluded by the user. If exclud-
ed, domestic hot water will not be delivered.
The hot water tank can be deactivated by the user (ECO mode) by pressing the ECO/
COMFORT button (detail 7 - fig. 1). In ECO mode the display activates the ECO symbol
(detail 12 - fig. 1). To activate COMFORT mode, press the ECO/COMFORT button (de-
tail 7 - fig. 1) again.

Adjustments from Remote Timer Control


If the Remote Timer Control (optional) is connected to the boiler, the above ad-
justments are managed according to that given in table 1.

Table. 1

System water pressure adjustment

The filling pressure with system cold, read on the boiler water gauge (detail 17 - fig. 1),
must be approx. 1.0 bar. If the system pressure falls to values below minimum, the boiler
stops and fault 


 is displayed. Operate the filling cock, if connected to the water sys-

tem (detail 1 fig. 6), and bring it to the initial value. Always close the filling cock at the end
of the operation.

fig. 6 - Filling cock

3.1 General Instructions


3.2 Place of installation

This unit is an 

“open chamber”

 type and can only be installed and operated in perma-

nently ventilated rooms. An insufficient flow of combustion air to the boiler will affect its
normal operation and fume evacuation. Also, the fumes forming under these conditions
are extremely harmful to health if dispersed in the domestic environment.
If equipped with the optional antiwind grille, the unit is suitable for use in a partially pro-
tected place in accordance with EN 297 pr A6, with minimum temperature of -5°C. It is
advisable to install the boiler under a roof slope, inside a balcony or in a protected recess.
Therefore the place of installation must be free of dust, flammable materials or objects
or corrosive gases.
The boiler is arranged for wall mounting and comes standard with a hooking bracket. Fix
the bracket to the wall according to the measurements given in fig. 12 and hook the boiler
onto it. Wall fixing must ensure a stable and effective support for the generator.


If the unit is enclosed in a cabinet or mounted alongside, a space must be pro-
vided for removing the casing and for normal maintenance operations.

3.3 Plumbing connections


The safety valve outlet must be connected to a funnel or collection pipe to pre-
vent water spurting onto the floor in case of overpressure in the heating circuit.
Otherwise, if the discharge valve cuts in and floods the room, the boiler manu-
facturer cannot be held liable.


Before making the connection, check that the unit is arranged for operation with
the type of fuel available and carefully clean all the system pipes.

Carry out the relevant connections according to the diagram in fig. 14 and the symbols
on the unit.


 The unit is equipped with an internal bypass in the heating circuit.

Water system characteristics

In the presence of water harder than 25° Fr (1°F = 10ppm CaCO


), use suitably treated

water in order to avoid possible scaling in the boiler.

Antifreeze system, antifreeze fluids, additives and inhibitors

When necessary, antifreeze fluids, additives and inhibitors can be used only if the man-
ufacturer of such fluids or additives guarantees that they are suitable and do not cause
damage to the exchanger or other components and/or materials of the boiler and system.
Do not use generic antifreeze fluids, additives or inhibitors that are not specific for use in
heating systems and compatible with the materials of the boiler and system.

Connection to a storage tank for domestic hot water production

The unit's electronic board is arranged for managing an external storage tank for domes-
tic hot water production. Make the plumbing connections according to the diagram of
fig. 7. Make the electrical connections as shown on the wiring diagram in sec. 18. It is
necessary to use the kit code 1KWMA11W. At the next lighting, the boiler's control sys-
tem recognizes the presence of the hot water tank probe and automatically configures
the DHW function, activating the display and relevant controls.

fig. 7 - Diagram of connection to an external hot water tank


Domestic hot water outlet


Cold water inlet


System delivery


System return


3-way valve


Hot water tank delivery


Hot water tank return

Heating temperature setting

Adjustment can be made from the Remote Timer Control menu and the 
boiler control panel.

Hot water temperature adjustment

Adjustment can be made from the Remote Timer Control menu and the 
boiler control panel.

Summer/Winter Switchover

Summer mode has priority over a possible Remote Timer Control heat-
ing demand.

Eco/Comfort selection

Adjustment can only be made from the boiler control panel.









Summary of Contents for DIVA HC24


Page 2: ...ɧɧɹ 5 Ⱦɢɫɩɥɟɣ 6 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɜiɞɧɨɜɥɟɧɧɹ ɜɢɛɨɪɭ ɪɟɠɢɦɭ Ʌiɬɨ Ɂɢɦɚ 7 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɜɢɛɨɪɭ ɪɟɠɢɦɭ Eco Comfort ȿɤɨɧɨɦiɹ Ʉɨɦɮɨɪɬ on off ɍɜiɦɤɧɟɧɧɹ ȼɢɦɤɧɟɧɧɹ ɚɝɪɟɝɚɬɚ 8 ɋɢɦɜɨɥ Ƚȼɉ 9 ȱɧɞɢɤɚɰɿɹ ɪɨɛɨɬɢ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɢ Ƚȼɉ 10 ȱɧɞɢɤɚɰɿɹ ɪɟɠɢɦɭ Ʌɿɬɨ 11 ȱɧɞɢɤɚɰɿɹ ɛɚɝɚɬɨɮɭɧɤɰiɨɧɚɥɶɧɨɫɬi 12 ȱɧɞɢɤɚɰɿɹ ɪɟɠɢɦɭ Eco ȿɤɨɧɨɦɿɹ 13 ȱɧɞɢɤɚɰɿɹ ɪɨɛɨɬɢ ɨɩɚɥɟɧɧɹ 14 ɉɨɡɧɚɱɤɚ ɨɩɚɥɟɧɧɹ 15 ȱɧɞɢɤɚɰɿɹ ɭɜiɦɤɧɟɧɨɝɨ ɩɚɥɶɧɢɤɚ ɬɚ ɧɚɹɜɧɨʀ ɩɨɬɭɠɧɨɫɬɿ 17 Ƚiɞɪɨ...

Page 3: ...ɿɡ ɫɤɨɛɨɸ ɞɥɹ ɩɿɞɜɿɲɭɜɚɧɧɹ Ɂɚɤɪɿɩɿɬɶ ɫɤɨɛɭ ɞɨ ɫɬɿɧɢ ɡɝɿɞɧɨ ɜɿɞɦɿɬɤɚɦ ɜɤɚɡɚɧɢɦ ɭ ɦɚɥ 12 ɬɚ ɩɿɞɜɿɫɶɬɟ ɤɨɬɟɥ Ʉɪɿɩɥɟɧɧɹ ɧɚ ɫɬɿɧɿ ɦɚɽ ɝɚɪɚɧɬɭɜɚɬɢ ɫɬɿɣɤɟ ɿ ɧɚɞɿɣɧɟ ɭɬɪɢɦɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɤɨɬɥɚ A əɤɳɨ ɤɨɬɟɥ ɜɛɭɞɨɜɭɽɬɶɫɹ ɭ ɦɟɛɥɿ ɚɛɨ ɦɨɧɬɭɽɬɶɫɹ ɛɨɤɨɦ ɬɪɟɛɚ ɩɟɪɟɞɛɚɱɢɬɢ ɩɪɨɫɬɿɪ ɞɥɹ ɡɧɹɬɬɹ ɡɚɯɢɫɧɨɝɨ ɤɨɠɭɯɭ ɿ ɧɨɪɦɚɥɶɧɨɝɨ ɜɢɤɨɧɚɧɧɹ ɪɨɛɿɬ ɡ ɬɟɯɧɿɱɧɨɝɨ ɨɛɫɥɭɝɨɜɭɜɚɧɧɹ 3 3 Ƚɿɞɪɨɬɟɯɧɿɱɧɿ ɩɿɞɤɥɸɱɟɧɧɹ Ɂɚɭɜɚɠɟɧɧɹ B ɓɨɛ ɡɚɩɨɛɿɝɬɢ ...

Page 4: ...ɡɚɤɪɢɣɬɟ ɝɚɡɨɜɢɣ ɜɟɧɬɢɥɶ 2 Ɂɚɦɿɧɿɬɶ ɮɨɪɫɭɧɤɢ ɝɨɥɨɜɧɨɝɨ ɩɚɥɶɧɢɤɚ ɜɫɬɚɜɬɟ ɮɨɪɫɭɧɤɢ ɜɤɚɡɚɧɿ ɭ ɬɚɛɥɢɰɿ ɬɟɯɧɿɱɧɢɯ ɞɚɧɢɯ ɭ ɪɨɡɞɿɥɿ cap 5 ɜɿɞɩɨɜɿɞɧɨ ɞɨ ɬɢɩɭ ɜɢɤɨɪɢɫɬɨɜɭɜɚɧɨɝɨ ɝɚɡɭ 3 ɉɨɞɚɣɬɟ ɠɢɜɥɟɧɧɹ ɧɚ ɤɨɬɟɥ ɿ ɜɿɞɤɪɢɣɬɟ ɝɚɡɨɜɢɣ ɜɟɧɬɢɥɶ 4 Ɂɦɿɧɿɬɶ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪ ɜɿɞɩɨɜɿɞɧɨ ɞɨ ɬɢɩɭ ɝɚɡɭ ɩɟɪɟɜɟɞɿɬɶ ɤɨɬɟɥ ɭ ɪɟɠɢɦ ɨɱɿɤɭɜɚɧɧɹ ɧɚɬɢɫɧɿɬɶ ɧɚ ɤɧɨɩɤɢ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɢ Ƚȼɉ ɩɨɡ 1 ɿ 2 ɦɚɥ 1 ɜɩɪɨɞɨɜɠ 10 ɫɟɤɭɧɞ ɧɚ ɞɢɫɩɥɟʀ ɪɨɡɩɨɱɧɟ ɛɥɢɦɚ...

Page 5: ... ɉɟɪɿɨɞɢɱɧɢɣ ɤɨɧɬɪɨɥɶ ɓɨɛ ɡɚɛɟɡɩɟɱɢɬɢ ɧɚɥɟɠɧɭ ɣ ɞɨɜɝɨɬɪɢɜɚɥɭ ɪɨɛɨɬɭ ɤɨɬɥɚ ɪɚɡ ɧɚ ɪiɤ ɮɚɯiɜɰi ɦɚɸɬɶ ɜɢɤɨɧɭɜɚɬɢ ɬɚɤi ɩɟɪɟɜiɪɤɢ ɉɪɢɫɬɪɨʀ ɭɩɪɚɜɥɿɧɧɹ ɿ ɛɟɡɩɟɤɢ ɝɚɡɨɜɢɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ ɜɢɬɪɚɬɨɦɿɪ ɬɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬɢ ɬɨɳɨ ɩɨɜɢɧɧɿ ɮɭɧɤɰɿɨɧɭɜɚɬɢ ɩɪɚɜɢɥɶɧɨ Ʉɨɧɬɭɪ ɜɢɜɟɞɟɧɧɹ ɜɿɞɩɪɚɰɶɨɜɚɧɢɯ ɝɚɡɿɜ ɩɨɜɢɧɟɧ ɦɚɬɢ ɛɟɡɞɨɝɚɧɧɭ ɟɮɟɤɬɢɜɧɿɫɬɶ Ʉɨɬɟɥ ɡ ɡɚɤɪɢɬɨɸ ɤɚɦɟɪɨɸ ɜɟɧɬɢɥɹɬɨɪ ɪɟɥɟ ɬɢɫɤɭ ɩɨɜɿɬɪɹ ɬɨɳɨ Ɂɚɤɪɢɬɚ ɤɚɦɟɪɚ ɦɚɽ ɛɭɬɢ ɝɟɪɦɟɬɢɱɧɨɸ ...

Page 6: ...ɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ ɉɟɪɟɜɿɪɬɟ ɿ ɡɚ ɧɟɨɛɯɿɞɧɨɫɬɿ ɡɚɦɿɧɿɬɶ ɝɚɡɨɜɢɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ A23 Ɂɛɿɣ ɜ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɚɯ ɩɥɚɬɢ ɉɨɦɢɥɤɨɜɚ ɭɫɬɚɧɨɜɤɚ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɭ ɩɥɚɬɢ ɉɟɪɟɜɿɪɬɟ ɿ ɡɚ ɧɟɨɛɯɿɞɧɨɫɬɿ ɡɦɿɧɿɬɶ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɢ ɩɥɚɬɢ A24 Ɂɛɿɣ ɜ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɚɯ ɩɥɚɬɢ ɉɨɦɢɥɤɨɜɚ ɭɫɬɚɧɨɜɤɚ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɭ ɩɥɚɬɢ ɉɟɪɟɜɿɪɬɟ ɿ ɡɚ ɧɟɨɛɯɿɞɧɨɫɬɿ ɡɦɿɧɿɬɶ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɢ ɩɥɚɬɢ F34 ɇɚɩɪɭɝɚ ɠɢɜɥɟɧɧɹ ɧɢɠɱɟ ɡɚ 140 ȼ ɡɦ ɫɬɪ ɉɪɨɛɥɟɦɢ ɜ ɟɥɟɤɬɪɢɱɧiɣ ɦɟɪɟɠi ɉɟɪɟɜiɪɬɟ ɟɥɟɤɬɪɨɭɫɬɚɬɤɭɜɚɧɧɹ F35 ...

Page 7: ...5 ȼɢɝɥɹɞ ɡɛɨɤɭ 5 2 Ɂɚɝɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɜɢɝɥɹɞ ɿ ɨɫɧɨɜɧɿ ɜɭɡɥɢ ɦɚɥ 16 Ɂɚɝɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɜɢɝɥɹɞ 5 3 Ƚiɞɪɚɜɥiɱɧɢɣ ɤɨɧɬɭɪ ɦɚɥ 17 Ɉɩɚɥɸɜɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɤɨɧɬɭɪ 184 216 208 59 177 125 76 54 65 66 80 330 10 7 11 173 330 44 32 114 36 14 27 56 78 95 10 7 11 22 126 34 81 19 49 74 56 27 14 74 32 11 10 34 95 241 114 36 49 209 210 ...

Page 8: ...G20 ɦɛɚɪ 12 0 Ɇɿɧɿɦɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɬɢɫɤ ɝɚɡɭ ɧɚ ɩɚɥɶɧɢɤɭ G20 ɦɛɚɪ 1 5 Ɇɚɤɫ ɜɢɬɪɚɬɢ ɝɚɡɭ G20 ɨɩɚɥ ɧɦ3 ɝ 2 73 Ɇɿɧ ɜɢɬɪɚɬɢ ɝɚɡɭ G20 ɧɦ3 ɝ 0 88 Ɏɨɪɫɭɧɤɢ ɩɚɥɶɧɢɤɚ G31 ɲɬ x Ø 11 x 0 79 Ɍɢɫɤ ɩɨɞɚɱɿ ɝɚɡɭ G31 ɦɛɚɪ 37 Ɇɚɤɫɢɦɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɬɢɫɤ ɝɚɡɭ ɧɚ ɩɚɥɶɧɢɤɭ G31 ɦɛɚɪ 35 0 Ɇɿɧɿɦɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɬɢɫɤ ɝɚɡɭ ɧɚ ɩɚɥɶɧɢɤɭ G31 ɦɛɚɪ 5 0 Ɇɚɤɫ ɜɢɬɪɚɬɢ ɝɚɡɭ G31 ɨɩɚɥ ɤɝ ɝɨɞ 2 00 Ɇɿɧ ɜɢɬɪɚɬɢ ɝɚɡɭ G31 ɤɝ ɝɨɞ 0 65 Ɇɚɤɫɢɦɚɥɶɧɢɣ ɪɨɛɨɱɢɣ ɬɢɫɤ ɜ ɫɢɫɬɟ...

Page 9: ...44 Ƚɚɡɨɜɢɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ 47 Ɇɨɞɭɥɸɜɚɥɶɧɚ ɤɨɬɭɲɤɚ Modureg 49 Ɂɚɩɨɛɿɠɧɢɣ ɬɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬ 72 Ʉɿɦɧɚɬɧɢɣ ɬɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬ ɩɨɫɬɚɱɚɽɬɶɫɹ ɨɤɪɟɦɨ 81 ȿɥɟɤɬɪɨɞ ɪɨɡɩɚɥɸɜɚɧɧɹ ɫɩɨɫɬɟɪɟɠɟɧɧɹ ɡɚ ɩɨɥɭɦ ɹɦ 95 ȼɿɞɜɿɞɧɢɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ 114 Ɋɟɥɟ ɬɢɫɤɭ ɜɨɞɢ 126 Ɍɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬ ɞɢɦɨɜɢɯ ɝɚɡɿɜ 139 Ⱦɢɫɬɚɧɰɿɣɧɢɣ ɯɪɨɧɨɫɬɚɬ ɮɚɤɭɥɶɬɚɬɢɜɧɨ 155 Ɍɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪɧɢɣ ɡɨɧɞ ɛɨɣɥɟɪɚ X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 114 47 72 L N 230V 50 Hz 1 3 2 32 X7 1 44 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X2 PT1...

Page 10: ...utton 7 Unit On Off Economy Comfort mode selection button 8 DHW symbol 9 DHW mode 10 Summer mode 11 Multifunction 12 Eco Economy mode 13 Heating 14 Heating symbol 15 Burner lit and actual power level 17 Water gauge Indication during operation Heating A heating demand generated by the Room Thermostat or Remote Timer Control is in dicated by flashing of the hot air above the radiator on the display ...

Page 11: ... in fig 12 and hook the boiler onto it Wall fixing must ensure a stable and effective support for the generator A If the unit is enclosed in a cabinet or mounted alongside a space must be pro vided for removing the casing and for normal maintenance operations 3 3 Plumbing connections Important B The safety valve outlet must be connected to a funnel or collection pipe to pre vent water spurting ont...

Page 12: ...s arranged has to be used the special conversion kit will be required proceeding as follows 1 Disconnect the power supply ahead of the boiler and close the gas cock 2 Replace the nozzles at the main burner and pilot burner fitting the nozzles indicated in the technical data table in cap 5 depending on the type of gas used 3 Connect the power supply ahead of the boiler and open the gas cock 4 Modif...

Page 13: ...tly The fume exhaust circuit must be perfectly efficient Sealed chamber boiler fan pressure switch etc The sealed chamber must be tight seals cable glands etc Open chamber boiler anti backflow device fume thermostat etc The air fume terminal and ducts must be free of obstructions and leaks The burner and exchanger must be clean and free of deposits Do not use chemical products or wire brushes to c...

Page 14: ... setting Check the card parameter and mod ify it if necessary F34 Supply voltage under 140VAC Electric mains trou ble Check the electrical system F35 Faulty mains frequency Electric mains trou ble Check the electrical system F37 Incorrect system water pres sure Pressure too low Fill the system Water pressure switch damaged or not connected Check the sensor F43 Exchanger protection activa tion No s...

Page 15: ... fig 15 Side view 5 2 General view and main components fig 16 General view 5 3 Water circuit fig 17 Heating circuit 184 216 208 59 177 125 76 54 65 66 80 330 10 7 11 173 330 44 32 114 36 14 27 56 78 95 10 7 11 22 126 34 81 19 49 74 56 27 14 74 32 11 10 34 95 241 114 36 49 209 210 ...

Page 16: ... Min gas pressure at burner G20 mbar 1 5 Max gas delivery G20 in heating nm3 h 2 73 Min gas delivery G20 nm3 h 0 88 Burner nozzles G31 no x Ø 11 x 0 79 Gas supply pressure G31 mbar 37 Max gas pressure at burner G31 mbar 35 0 Min gas pressure at burner G31 mbar 5 0 Max gas delivery G31 in heating kg h 2 00 Min gas delivery G31 kg h 0 65 Max working pressure in heating bar 3 PMS Min working pressure...

Page 17: ... Heating sensor 44 Gas valve 47 Modureg 49 Safety thermostat 72 Room thermostat optional 81 Ignition detection electrode 95 Diverter valve 114 Water pressure switch 126 Fume thermostat 139 Remote timer control optional 155 Hot water tank temperature probe X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 114 47 72 L N 230V 50 Hz 1 3 2 32 X7 1 44 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X2 PT1 PT2 49 126 34 T 3 15A 250Vac 2 3 4 139 1 2 3 95 155...

Page 18: ...e pour diminuer le réglage de la température de l installation de chauffa ge 4 Touche pour augmenter le réglage de la température de l installation de chauf fage 5 Afficheur 6 Touche Rétablissement sélection fonction Été Hiver 7 Touche de sélection mode Eco Confort on off appareil 8 Symbole eau chaude sanitaire 9 Indication du fonctionnement eau chaude sanitaire 10 Indication fonction Été 11 Indic...

Page 19: ...tion murale doit garantir un soutien stable et efficace du générateur A Si l appareil est monté interposé entre deux meubles ou en juxtaposition de ceux ci prévoir de l espace pour le démontage de l habillage et pour l entretien normal 3 3 Raccordements hydrauliques Avertissements B L évacuation de la soupape de sûreté doit être raccordée à un entonnoir d écoulement ou à une tuyauterie de récupéra...

Page 20: ...doit être utilisé avec un gaz différent de ce lui avec lequel il a été étalonné il conviendra de se procurer le kit de transformation prévu à cet effet et de procéder de la manière suivante 1 couper l alimentation électrique de la chaudière et fermer le robinet de gaz 2 Remplacer les gicleurs du brûleur principal en montant les gicleurs indiqués sur le tableau des caractéristiques techniques cap 5...

Page 21: ...ifs de commande et de sécurité vanne à gaz débitmètre thermostats etc doivent fonctionner correctement Le circuit d évacuation des fumées doit être parfaitement efficace Chaudière à chambre de combustion étanche ventilateur pressostat etc S as surer de l étanchéité de la chambre joints serre câbles etc Chaudière chambre ouverte antirefouleur thermostat des fumées etc Les conduits et le terminal ai...

Page 22: ...nt la vanne à gaz A23 Anomalie paramètres carte Mauvais paramétrage de la carte Vérifier et modifier éventuellement le paramètre carte A24 Anomalie paramètres carte Mauvais paramétrage de la carte Vérifier et modifier éventuellement le paramètre carte F34 Tension d alimentation inférieure à 140 Vca Problèmes au réseau électrique Vérifier l installation électrique F35 Fréquence de réseau anor male ...

Page 23: ... Vue latérale 5 2 Vue générale et composants principaux fig 16 Vue générale 5 3 Circuit hydraulique fig 17 Circuit chauffage 184 216 208 59 177 125 76 54 65 66 80 330 10 7 11 173 330 44 32 114 36 14 27 56 78 95 10 7 11 22 126 34 81 19 49 74 56 27 14 74 32 11 10 34 95 241 114 36 49 209 210 ...

Page 24: ...r 12 0 Pression gaz mini au brûleur G20 mbar 1 5 Débit gaz à puissance maxi G20 chauff nm3 h 2 73 Débit gaz à puissance mini G20 nm3 h 0 88 Gicleurs brûleur G31 nbre x Ø 11 x 0 79 Pression d alimentation gaz G31 mbar 37 Pression gaz maxi au brûleur G31 mbar 35 0 Pression gaz mini au brûleur G31 mbar 5 0 Débit gaz à puissance maxi G31 chauff kg h 2 00 Débit gaz à puissance mini G31 kg h 0 65 Pressi...

Page 25: ...uffage 34 Capteur de chauffage 44 Vanne à gaz 47 Modureg 49 Thermostat de sécurité 72 Thermostat d ambiance option 81 Électrode d allumage et de détection 95 By pass 114 Pressostat eau 126 Thermostat fumées 139 Chronocommande à distance option 155 Sonde température ballon X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 114 47 72 L N 230V 50 Hz 1 3 2 32 X7 1 44 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X2 PT1 PT2 49 126 34 T 3 15A 250Vac 2 3 4...

Page 26: ...iejszenia ustawienia temperatury instalacji c o 4 Przycisk zwiĊkszenia ustawienia temperatury instalacji c o 5 WyĞwietlacz 6 Przycisk Reset wybór trybu Lato Zima 7 Przycisk wyboru trybu Economy Comfort Wáączanie Wyáączanie urządzenia 8 Symbol ciepáej wody uĪytkowej 9 WskaĨnik dziaáania instalacji c w u 10 WskaĨnik trybu Lato 11 WskaĨnik wielofunkcyjny 12 WskaĨnik trybu Eco Economy 13 WskaĨnik dzia...

Page 27: we wspornik zaczepowy Zamocowaü wspornik do Ğciany zgodnie z wymiarami podany mi w fig 12 i przyczepiü do niego kocioá Mocowanie na Ğcianie musi zapewniaü stabil noĞü generatora A JeĞli urządzenie jest montowane pomiĊdzy meblami lub w rogu naleĪy za chowaü wolną przestrzeĔ niezbĊdną do demontaĪu páaszcza i wykonania nor malnych czynnoĞci konserwacyjnych 3 3 Podáączenia hydrauliczne OstrzeĪenia ...

Page 28: ...Ī ustawiony fabrycznie naleĪy nabyü zestaw przezbrojeniowy i postĊpowaü w na stĊpujący sposób 1 Odáączyü kocioá od zasilania elektrycznego i zamknąü kurek gazu 2 Wymieniü dysze palnika gáównego wstawiając dysze wskazane w tabeli danych te chnicznych w cap 5 zaleĪnie od uĪywanego rodzaju gazu 3 Zaáączyü zasilanie w kotle i otworzyü kurek gazu 4 Zmieniü parametr rodzaju gazu ustawiü kocioá w trybie ...

Page 29: ... kontrole Urządzenia sterownicze i zabezpieczające zawór gazu przepáywomierz termosta ty itp muszą dziaáaü prawidáowo Obwód odprowadzania spalin musi byü w peáni sprawny Kocioá z zamkniĊtą komorą spalania wentylator presostat itp zamkniĊta komora spalania musi byü szczelna uszczelki opaski kablowe itp Kocioá z otwartą komorą spalania przerywacz ciągu termostat spalin itp Przewody i koĔcówka powiet...

Page 30: ...ametr páyty A24 Nieprawidáowe parametry páyty BáĊdne ustawienie parametru páyty Sprawdziü i ewentualnie zmieniü parametr páyty F34 NapiĊcie zasilania niĪsze niĪ 140 VAC Problemy w sieci elektrycznej Sprawdziü instalacjĊ elektryczną F35 Nieprawidáowa czĊstotliwoĞü w sieci Problemy w sieci elektrycznej Sprawdziü instalacjĊ elektryczną F37 CiĞnienie wody instalacji niewáaĞciwe CiĞnienie za niskie Nap...

Page 31: ... wygląd 15 Widok z boku 5 2 Widok ogólny i komponenty gáówne wygląd 16 Widok ogólny 5 3 Obwód hydrauliczny wygląd 17 Obwód c o 184 216 208 59 177 125 76 54 65 66 80 330 10 7 11 173 330 44 32 114 36 14 27 56 78 95 10 7 11 22 126 34 81 19 49 74 56 27 14 74 32 11 10 34 95 241 114 36 49 209 210 ...

Page 32: ...e gazu w palniku G20 mbar 1 5 Maks natĊĪenie przepáywu gazu G20 c o nm3 h 2 73 Min natĊĪenie przepáywu gazu G20 nm3 h 0 88 Dysze palnika G31 il x Ø 11 x 0 79 CiĞnienie gazu zasilanie G31 mbar 37 Maks ciĞnienie gazu w palniku G31 mbar 35 0 Min ciĞnienie gazu w palniku G31 mbar 5 0 Maks natĊĪenie przepáywu gazu G31 c o kg h 2 00 Min natĊĪenie przepáywu gazu G31 kg h 0 65 Maks ciĞnienie robocze c o b...

Page 33: ...k ogrzewania 44 Zawór gazu 47 Modureg 49 Termostat bezpieczeĔstwa 72 Termostat pokojowy opcja 81 Elektroda zapáonowa i wykrywająca páomieĔ 95 Zawór rozdzielczy 114 Regulator ciĞnienia wody 126 Termostat spalin 139 Zdalne sterowanie czasowe opcja 155 Sonda temperatury podgrzewacza X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 114 47 72 L N 230V 50 Hz 1 3 2 32 X7 1 44 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X2 PT1 PT2 49 126 34 T 3 15A 250V...

Page 34: ...i din instalaĠia de încălzire 4 Tastă pentru mărirea temperaturii din instalaĠia de încălzire 5 Afiúaj 6 Tastă Resetare selectare mod Vară Iarnă 7 Tastă selectare mod Economy Comfort on off Pornire Oprire aparat 8 Simbol apă caldă menajeră 9 Indicator funcĠionare apă caldă menajeră 10 Indicator mod Vară 11 Indicator multifuncĠional 12 Indicator mod Eco Economy 13 Indicator funcĠionare încălzire 14...

Page 35: ...e fixare FixaĠi cadrul de perete conform cotelor indicate în fig 12 úi su spendaĠi centrala Fixarea pe perete trebuie să garanteze o susĠinere stabilă úi eficientă a generatorului A Dacă aparatul este inclus într un corp de mobilier sau este montat lângă piese de mobilier trebuie asigurat spaĠiul pentru demontarea carcasei úi pentru de sfăúurarea activităĠilor normale de întreĠinere 3 3 Racorduril...

Page 36: ...rit de cel prestabilit trebuie să achiziĠionaĠi kitul de transformare corespunzător úi să procedaĠi după cum urmează 1 DeconectaĠi alimentarea cu electricitate a centralei úi închideĠi robinetul de gaz 2 ÎnlocuiĠi duzele arzătorului principal montând duzele indicate în tabelul cu datele tehnice din cap 5 în funcĠie de tipul de gaz utilizat 3 AlimentaĠi cu electricitate centrala úi deschideĠi robin...

Page 37: ... supapă de gaz fluxostat termostate etc trebuie să funcĠioneze corect Circuitul de evacuare a gazelor arse trebuie să fie perfect eficient Centrală cu cameră etanúă ventilator presostat etc Camera etanúă trebuie să fie etanúă garnituri presetupe etc Centrală cu cameră deschisă dispozitiv antirefulare termostat de gaze arse etc Conductele úi terminalul aer gaze arse nu trebuie să fie blocate úi nu ...

Page 38: ...ra metrul cartelei F34 Tensiune de alimentare mai mică de 140 VAC Probleme la reĠeaua electrică VerificaĠi instalaĠia electrică F35 FrecvenĠa din reĠea este anor mală Probleme la reĠeaua electrică VerificaĠi instalaĠia electrică F37 Presiunea apei din instalaĠie nu este corectă Presiune prea scăzută UmpleĠi instalaĠia Presostatul de apă nu esteconectat sau este defect VerificaĠi senzorul F43 Inter...

Page 39: laterală 5 2 Vedere generală úi componente principale fig 16 Vedere generală 5 3 Circuitul hidraulic fig 17 Circuitul de încălzire 184 216 208 59 177 125 76 54 65 66 80 330 10 7 11 173 330 44 32 114 36 14 27 56 78 95 10 7 11 22 126 34 81 19 49 74 56 27 14 74 32 11 10 34 95 241 114 36 49 209 210 ...

Page 40: ...Presiune gaz min la arzător G20 mbar 1 5 Debit max gaz G20 încălzire nm3 h 2 73 Debit gaz min G20 nm3 h 0 88 Duze arzător G31 nr x Ø 11 x 0 79 Presiune gaz alimentare G31 mbar 37 Presiune gaz max la arzător G31 mbar 35 0 Presiune gaz min la arzător G31 mbar 5 0 Debit max gaz G31 încălzire kg h 2 00 Debit gaz min G31 kg h 0 65 Presiune max de funcĠionare încălzire bar 3 PMS Presiune min de funcĠion...

Page 41: ...zor de încălzire 44 Valvă de gaz 47 Cablu modureg 49 Termostat de siguranĠă 72 Termostat de cameră opĠional 81 Electrod de aprindere úi detectare 95 Valvă deviatoare 114 Presostat apă 126 Termostat gaze arse 139 Cronocomandă la distanĠă opĠional 155 Sondă temperatură boiler X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 114 47 72 L N 230V 50 Hz 1 3 2 32 X7 1 44 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X2 PT1 PT2 49 126 34 T 3 15A 250Vac 2 3...

Page 42: ...ɩɚɧɟɥɢ ɭɩɪɚɜɥɟɧɢɹ ɪɢɫ 1 1 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɭɦɟɧɶɲɟɧɢɹ ɡɚɞɚɜɚɟɦɨɣ ɬɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪɵ ɜ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɟ Ƚȼɋ 2 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɭɜɟɥɢɱɟɧɢɹ ɡɚɞɚɜɚɟɦɨɣ ɬɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪɵ ɜ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɟ Ƚȼɋ 3 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɭɦɟɧɶɲɟɧɢɹ ɡɚɞɚɜɚɟɦɨɣ ɬɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪɵ ɜ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɟ ɨɬɨɩɥɟɧɢɹ 4 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɭɜɟɥɢɱɟɧɢɹ ɡɚɞɚɜɚɟɦɨɣ ɬɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪɵ ɜ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɟ ɨɬɨɩɥɟɧɢɹ 5 Ⱦɢɫɩɥɟɣ 6 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɫɛɪɨɫ ɜɵɛɨɪɚ ɪɟɠɢɦɚ Ʌɟɬɨ Ɂɢɦɚ 7 Ʉɧɨɩɤɚ ɜɵɛɨɪɚ ɪɟɠɢɦɚ ɗɤɨɧɨɦɢɱɧɵɣ Ʉɨɦɮɨɪɬ ȼɤɥ ȼɵɤɥ ɤɨɬɥɚ 8 ɋɢɦɜɨɥ Ƚȼɋ 9 ɋɢɦɜɨɥ ɪɚɛɨɬɵ ...

Page 43: ...ɬɫɹ ɜ ɤɨɦɩɥɟɤɬɟ ɫ ɩɨɞɜɟɫɧɵɦ ɤɪɨɧɲɬɟɣɧɨɦ ɉɪɢɤɪɟɩɢɬɟ ɤɪɨɧɲɬɟɣɧ ɤ ɫɬɟɧɟ ɜ ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɢɢ ɫ ɪɚɡɦɟɪɚɦɢ ɩɪɢɜɟɞɟɧɧɵɦɢ ɜ ɪɢɫ 12 ɢ ɩɨɞɜɟɫɶɬɟ ɧɚ ɧɟɝɨ ɤɨɬɟɥ Ʉɪɟɩɥɟɧɢɟ ɤ ɫɬɟɧɟ ɞɨɥɠɧɨ ɨɛɟɫɩɟɱɢɜɚɬɶ ɫɬɚɛɢɥɶɧɨɫɬɶ ɢ ɩɪɨɱɧɨɫɬɶ ɩɨɥɨɠɟɧɢɹ ɤɨɬɥɚ A ȿɫɥɢ ɚɝɪɟɝɚɬ ɭɫɬɚɧɚɜɥɢɜɚɟɬɫɹ ɫɪɟɞɢ ɦɟɛɟɥɢ ɢɥɢ ɛɨɤɨɦ ɤ ɫɬɟɧɟ ɫɥɟɞɭɟɬ ɩɪɟɞɭɫɦɨɬɪɟɬɶ ɫɜɨɛɨɞɧɨɟ ɩɪɨɫɬɪɚɧɫɬɜɨ ɧɟɨɛɯɨɞɢɦɨɟ ɞɥɹ ɞɟɦɨɧɬɚɠɚ ɤɨɠɭɯɚ ɢ ɜɵɩɨɥɧɟɧɢɹ ɨɛɵɱɧɵɯ ɪɚɛɨɬ ɩɨ ɬɟɯɨɛɫɥ...

Page 44: ...ɢɦɨɫɬɢ ɩɟɪɟɜɨɞɚ ɤɨɬɥɚ ɧɚ ɪɚɛɨɬɭ ɫ ɝɚɡɨɦ ɨɬɥɢɱɧɵɦ ɨɬ ɝɚɡɚ ɞɥɹ ɤɨɬɨɪɨɝɨ ɨɧ ɛɵɥ ɧɚɫɬɪɨɟɧ ɧɚ ɡɚɜɨɞɟ ɧɟɨɛɯɨɞɢɦɨ ɩɪɢɨɛɪɟɫɬɢ ɫɩɟɰɢɚɥɶɧɨ ɩɪɟɞɭɫɦɨɬɪɟɧɧɵɣ ɞɥɹ ɷɬɨɣ ɰɟɥɢ ɤɨɦɩɥɟɤɬ ɞɥɹ ɩɟɪɟɨɛɨɪɭɞɨɜɚɧɢɹ ɢ ɞɟɣɫɬɜɨɜɚɬɶ ɤɚɤ ɭɤɚɡɚɧɨ ɧɢɠɟ 1 Ɉɬɤɥɸɱɢɬɟ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɢɱɟɫɤɨɟ ɩɢɬɚɧɢɟ ɨɬ ɤɨɬɥɚ ɢ ɡɚɤɪɨɣɬɟ ɝɚɡɨɜɵɣ ɜɟɧɬɢɥɶ 2 Ɂɚɦɟɧɢɬɟ ɮɨɪɫɭɧɤɢ ɧɚ ɝɥɚɜɧɨɣ ɝɨɪɟɥɤɟ ɭɫɬɚɧɚɜɥɢɜɚɹ ɮɨɪɫɭɧɤɢ ɪɟɤɨɦɟɧɞɨɜɚɧɧɵɟ ɜ ɬɚɛɥɢɰɟ ɫ ɬɟɯɧɢɱɟɫɤɢɦɢ ɞɚɧɧɵɦɢ ...

Page 45: ...ɚɧɢɟ ɉɟɪɢɨɞɢɱɟɫɤɢɣ ɤɨɧɬɪɨɥɶ ɑɬɨɛɵ ɨɛɟɫɩɟɱɢɬɶ ɢɫɩɪɚɜɧɭɸ ɪɚɛɨɬɭ ɚɝɪɟɝɚɬɚ ɫ ɬɟɱɟɧɢɟɦ ɜɪɟɦɟɧɢ ɧɟɨɛɯɨɞɢɦɨ ɪɚɡ ɜ ɝɨɞɚ ɩɪɢɝɥɚɲɚɬɶ ɤɜɚɥɢɮɢɰɢɪɨɜɚɧɧɵɣ ɩɟɪɫɨɧɚɥ ɞɥɹ ɫɥɟɞɭɸɳɢɯ ɩɪɨɜɟɪɨɤ ɍɩɪɚɜɥɹɸɳɢɟ ɢ ɩɪɟɞɨɯɪɚɧɢɬɟɥɶɧɵɟ ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɚ ɝɚɡɨɜɵɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ ɪɚɫɯɨɞɨɦɟɪɵ ɬɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬɵ ɢ ɩɪ ɞɨɥɠɧɵ ɢɫɩɪɚɜɧɨ ɪɚɛɨɬɚɬɶ Ʉɨɧɬɭɪ ɨɬɜɨɞɚ ɞɵɦɚ ɞɨɥɠɟɧ ɛɵɬɶ ɛɟɡɭɤɨɪɢɡɧɟɧɧɨ ɷɮɮɟɤɬɢɜɧɵɦ Ʉɨɬɟɥ ɫ ɡɚɤɪɵɬɨɣ ɤɚɦɟɪɨɣ ɜɟɧɬɢɥɹɬɨɪ ɪɟɥɟ ɞɚɜɥɟɧɢɹ ɢ ɩɪ Ɂɚɤ...

Page 46: ...ɶɧɨɫɬɶ ɩɨɞɤɥɸɱɟɧɢɹ ɩɪɨɜɨɞɨɜ ɇɟɢɫɩɪɚɜɧɵɣ ɝɚɡɨɜɵɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ ɉɪɨɜɟɪɶɬɟ ɢ ɩɪɢ ɧɟɨɛɯɨɞɢɦɨɫɬɢ ɡɚɦɟɧɢɬɟ ɝɚɡɨɜɵɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ A23 ɋɛɨɢ ɜ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɚɯ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɧɨɣ ɩɥɚɬɵ ɇɟɩɪɚɜɢɥɶɧɨ ɡɚɞɚɧɨ ɡɧɚɱɟɧɢɟ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɚ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɧɨɣ ɩɥɚɬɵ ɉɪɨɜɟɪɶɬɟ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɧɭɸ ɩɥɚɬɭ ɢ ɢɡɦɟɧɢɬɟ ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɭɸɳɢɣ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪ ɟɫɥɢ ɷɬɨ ɧɟɨɛɯɨɞɢɦɨ A24 ɋɛɨɢ ɜ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɚɯ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɧɨɣ ɩɥɚɬɵ ɇɟɩɪɚɜɢɥɶɧɨ ɡɚɞɚɧɨ ɡɧɚɱɟɧɢɟ ɩɚɪɚɦɟɬɪɚ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɧɨɣ ɩɥɚɬɵ ɉɪɨɜɟɪɶɬɟ ɷɥɟɤɬ...

Page 47: ...15 ȼɢɞ ɫɛɨɤɭ 5 2 Ɉɛɳɢɣ ɜɢɞ ɢ ɨɫɧɨɜɧɵɟ ɭɡɥɵ ɪɢɫ 16 Ɉɛɳɢɣ ɜɢɞ 5 3 ɋɯɟɦɚ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɵ ɨɬɨɩɥɟɧɢɹ ɢ Ƚȼɋ ɪɢɫ 17 Ɉɬɨɩɢɬɟɥɶɧɵɣ ɤɨɧɬɭɪ 184 216 208 59 177 125 76 54 65 66 80 330 10 7 11 173 330 44 32 114 36 14 27 56 78 95 10 7 11 22 126 34 81 19 49 74 56 27 14 74 32 11 10 34 95 241 114 36 49 209 210 ...

Page 48: ...ɚɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɧɚ ɝɨɪɟɥɤɟ ɝɚɡɚ G20 ɦɛɚɪ 1 5 Ɇɚɤɫ ɪɚɫɯɨɞ ɝɚɡɚ G20 ɨɬɨɩɥ ɧɦ3 ɱ 2 73 Ɇɢɧ ɪɚɫɯɨɞ ɝɚɡɚ G20 ɧɦ3 ɱ 0 88 Ɏɨɪɫɭɧɤɢ ɝɨɪɟɥɤɢ G31 ɲɬ x ɞɢɚɦ 11 x 0 79 Ⱦɚɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɩɨɞɚɱɢ ɝɚɡɚ G31 ɦɛɚɪ 37 Ɇɚɤɫɢɦɚɥɶɧɨɟ ɞɚɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɧɚ ɝɨɪɟɥɤɟ ɝɚɡɚ G31 ɦɛɚɪ 35 0 Ɇɢɧɢɦɚɥɶɧɨɟ ɞɚɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɧɚ ɝɨɪɟɥɤɟ ɝɚɡɚ G31 ɦɛɚɪ 5 0 Ɇɚɤɫ ɪɚɫɯɨɞ ɝɚɡɚ G31 ɨɬɨɩɥ ɤɝ ɱ 2 00 Ɇɢɧ ɪɚɫɯɨɞ ɝɚɡɚ G31 ɤɝ ɱ 0 65 Ɇɚɤɫ ɪɚɛɨɱɟɟ ɞɚɜɥɟɧɢɟ ɜɨɞɵ ɜ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɟ ɨɬɨɩɥɟɧɢɹ ɛɚɪ ...

Page 49: ...ɚɩɚɧ 47 Ʉɚɬɭɲɤɚ ɪɟɝɭɥɢɪɨɜɚɧɢɹ Modureg 49 ɉɪɟɞɨɯɪɚɧɢɬɟɥɶɧɵɣ ɬɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬ 72 Ʉɨɦɧɚɬɧɵɣ ɬɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬ ɮɚɤɭɥɶɬɚɬɢɜɧɨ 81 ɉɨɞɠɢɝɚɸɳɢɣ ɫɥɟɞɹɳɢɣ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɞ 95 Ɉɬɜɨɞɧɨɣ ɤɥɚɩɚɧ 114 Ɋɟɥɟ ɞɚɜɥɟɧɢɹ ɜɨɞɵ 126 Ɍɟɪɦɨɫɬɚɬ ɬɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪɵ ɩɪɨɞɭɤɬɨɜ ɫɝɨɪɚɧɢɹ 139 ɉɭɥɶɬ ɞɢɫɬɚɧɰɢɨɧɧɨɝɨ ɭɩɪɚɜɥɟɧɢɹ ɫ ɬɚɣɦɟɪɨɦ ɮɚɤɭɥɶɬɚɬɢɜɧɨ 155 Ⱦɚɬɱɢɤ ɬɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪɵ ɛɨɣɥɟɪɚ X4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 114 47 72 L N 230V 50 Hz 1 3 2 32 X7 1 44 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...

Page 50: ...ɋ Ⱦɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚ ɩɪɨ ɡɛɥɢɠɟɧɧɹ ɩɪɚɜɨɜɢɯ ɧɨɪɦ ɤɪɚʀɧ ɱɥɟɧɿɜ ȯɋ ɳɨ ɫɬɨɫɭɸɬɶɫɹ ɟɥɟɤɬɪɨɨɛɥɚɞɧɚɧɧɹ ɹɤɟ ɜɢɤɨɪɢɫɬɨɜɭɽɬɶɫɹ ɜ ɩɟɜɧɢɯ ɦɟɠɚɯ ɧɚɩɪɭɝɢ Ⱦɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚ ȯɋ Ⱦɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚ ɩɪɨ ɩɪɢɜɟɞɟɧɧɹ ɭ ɜɿɞɩɨɜɿɞɧɿɫɬɶ ɡɚɤɨɧɨɞɚɜɫɬɜ ɤɪɚʀɧ ɱɥɟɧɿɜ ɜ ɨɛɥɚɫɬɿ ɟɥɟɤɬɪɨɦɚɝɧɿɬɧɨʀ ɫɭɦɿɫɧɨɫɬɿ UA Déclaration de conformité Le constructeur FERROLI S p A Adresse Via Ritonda 78 a 37047 San Bonifacio VR déclare que cet appareil est conforme aux d...

Page 51: ...9 142 Ⱦɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚ ɩɨ Ʉ ɉ Ⱦ 92 42 Ⱦɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚ ɩɨ ɧɢɡɤɨɦɭ ɧɚɩɪɹɠɟɧɢɸ Ⱦɢɪɟɤɬɢɜɚ ɩɨ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɦɚɝɧɢɬɧɨɣ ɫɨɜɦɟɫɬɢɦɨɫɬɢ RU DeclaraĠie de conformitate Producător FERROLI S p A Adresă Via Ritonda 78 a 37047 San Bonifacio VR declară că acest aparat este în conformitate cu următoarele directive CEE Directiva Joas Tensiune Directiva Compatibilitate Electromagnetic Directiva a echipamentelor sub presiune PED 97 23 R...

Page 52: ...FERROLI S p A Via Ritonda 78 a 37047 San Bonifacio Verona ITALY www ferroli it ...
