Ferm FSMW-150 User Manual Download Page 6





Vi erklærer herved, udelukkende på eget ansvar, at dette produkt opfylder følgende standarder

eller standardiserede dokumenter:

EN55014-1, EN55014-2, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN61029-1, EN61029-2-4

i overenstemmelse med direktivreglerne

98/37/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC

Fra 01-10-2005


W. Kamphof
Quality department

Det er vores hensigt til stadighed at forbedre vores produkter, og vi forbeholder os derfor til
enhver tid retten til at ændre produktspecifikationerne uden forudgående varsel. 

Ferm BV • Lingenstraat 6 • 8028 PM Zwolle • Holland



Using extension cables

Only use an approved extension cable suitable for the power input of the machine. The minimum
conductor size is 1.5 mm


. When using a cable reel always unwind the reel completely.



The grinder must be firmly bolted to a workbench. The length of the fixing bolts will depend on
the thickness of the workbench. If the workbench is made of steel, it is advisable to use a
wooden block or plank between the grinder and the bench, to insulate it and prevent vibration.

Mounting and adjustment of eye shield bracket and eye shield

Fig. B

The eye shield bracket and eye shield should only ever be assembled/adjusted
with the grinding wheel stationary, and the machine disconnected from the power

Mount the holder of the cover glass together with the cover glass itself, by means of the
screw (A).

Adjust the height of the holder of the cover glass by loosening a bit screw . The free space
between the stone and the holder of the cover glass will amount to  1 - 1,5 mm.

Fasten well screw (A).

Adjust the cover glass (see the figure above) in such a way that your face will be protected,
at the utmost.

Use always safety glasses.

Adjusting tool rest

The tool rest should only be adjusted when the grinding wheel is completely statio-
nary, and the machine is disconnected from the power supply (the wall socket).

Secure the tool rest, allowing a maximum clearance (C) between the tool rest and the grinding
stone of 1 -1.5 mm.

Replacing the grinding stone

Fig. C

Required tools:

19 mm Spanner

8 mm Spanner


Only ever replace the grinding wheel when the motor is at a standstill and the power
is completely disconnected.

Remove the guards, using the above tools. When replacing the stones, remember the
right-hand spindle is fitted with right-hand thread, the left-hand spindle with left-hand



Summary of Contents for FSMW-150

Page 1: ...servadimodifiche S ndringarf rbeh lles SF Pid t mmeoikeudenmuutoksiin N Retttillendringerforbeholdes DK Rettil ndringerforbeholdes Art no BGM1005 FSMW 150 www ferm com UK D NL F E P I S SF N DK USERSM...

Page 2: ...ig C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Explodedview SparepartslistFSMW 150 Position Description Fermno 1 Switch 206403 2 Support right 206454 4 CoverGlassholderwide 206408 5 CoverGlass 206401 6 CoverGlassholdersmall 20...

Page 3: ...s 1 Machinedata 2 Safetyinstructions 3 Installation 4 Operation 5 Maintenance 1 MACHINEDATA Technicalspecification Contentsofpacking 1 BenchGrinder 2 Setseyeshieldbracket eyeshield 1 Toolrest right 1...

Page 4: ...elyunplugtheplugfromthemainselectricityinthecasethatthecordgets damagedandduringmaintenance Keepbystandersaway Wearearandeyeprotection Faultyand ordiscardedelectricalorelectronicapparatushavetobecolle...

Page 5: ...edgivenforthewheel Neveruseanygrindingwheelthatisdamagedordeformed Inordertobeabletogrindsafely themachinemustbefirmlyboltedtoaworkbench Thetoolrestshouldbereplacedwheneverthewidthofthetoolrestmeasure...

Page 6: ...tvibration Mountingandadjustmentofeyeshieldbracketandeyeshield Fig B Theeyeshieldbracketandeyeshieldshouldonlyeverbeassembled adjusted withthegrindingwheelstationary andthemachinedisconnectedfromthepo...

Page 7: ...utnottootightly Replacetheguardsandadjustthetoolrest Letthemotorrunforafewsecondsbeforeyou starttogrind 4 OPERATION Selectingthegrindingwheel Coarsegrindingwheelswillingeneralremovethemostmaterial and...

Page 8: ...OLDELSE S rgforatmaskinenikkest runderstr m n rderudf res vedligeholdelsesarbejderp mekanikken MaskinernefraFermerudviklettilatfungerel ngeudenproblemermedetminimumaf vedligeholdelse Vedatreng remaski...

Page 9: ...dningensidderp en tromle rullesledningenheltaf 3 BRUG Slibemaskinenskalfastboltesforsvarligttilenb nk Fastsp ndingsboltenesl ngde afh ngerafb nkenstykkelse Hvisb nkenerafst l tilr desdetatbrugeentr kl...

Page 10: ...edningenp afstandafv rkt jetsbev geligedele Slukstraksformaskinen hvis Stikproppenellernetledningenerdefektellerbeskadiget T nd sluk knappenerdefekt Dukanlugter gellerbr ndendeisoleringsmateriale Elek...

Page 11: ...abelundNetzsteckerinOrdnung robust ohneAusfransungenoder andereBesch digungen D Ferm Komponenter Fig A 1 T nd sluk knap 2 V rkt jssl de h jre 3 jensk rm 4 jensk rmsb jle 5 Skrue 6 V rkt jssl de venstr...

Page 12: ...fenSieniemalsohneSchutzabdeckung berderSchleifscheibe BefestigenSiedieSchutzabdeckungderSchleifscheibesowiedieSt tzholmsofestwie m glichundmitdemrichtigenSpiel LassenSieniemehrals1 1 5mmSpielzwischenS...

Page 13: ...chtandie Steckdoseangeschlossenist EinbauenderHalterungf rdieSchutzplatteausGlasunddemeingesetztenGlasaufder SchutzkappeanhanddermitgeliefertenSchraube A EinstellenderH hederHalterungf rdieGlasplatted...

Page 14: ...Holzmei elnunddergleichend rfennicht blau geschliffenwerden SorgenSiedaf r da das zuschleifendeWerkzeugw hrenddesSchleifensnichtausderHandf lltundzwischen St tzholmundSteineingeklemmtwird Hierdurchkan...

Page 15: ...nenrengj resregelmessigogbehandlesp riktigm te bidrardettetil gimaskinen enlanglevetid Feil Dersommaskinenikkefungerersomdenskal kandusegjennomoversiktenovermulige rsakerogl sningernedenfor 70 N Ferm...

Page 16: ...ss medmaksimalklaring C p 1 1 5mmmellom verkt yholderenogslipehjulet Bytteslipehjul Fig C N dvendigeverkt y 19mmskiften kkel 8mmskiften kkel Skrutrekker Slipehjuletm kunbyttesutn rmotorenst rstilleogs...

Page 17: ...dvedbrukavelektriskemaskineralltiddelokalesikkerhetsforskriftene Dettefor unng brannfare fareforelektriskst togpersonskade Lesitilleggtilnedenst endeinstrukser ogs sikkerhetsforskrifteneidetvedlagtese...

Page 18: ...annenskade Unng brukelangeskj teledninger Skj teledningenedubruker m alltidv rejordet N Ferm Kenmerken Fig A 1 Aan Uit schakelaar 2 Leunspaan rechts 3 Spatglas 4 Spatglashouder 5 Schroef 6 Leunspaan l...

Page 19: ...andstaatvoordatudenetstekkeropde netspanningaansluit Houdhetnetsnoeraltijduitdebuurtvanbewegendedelenvanhetgereedschap Hetapparaatonmiddellijkuitzettenbij Storingindenetstekker netsnoerofsnoerbeschadi...

Page 20: ...slijpsteenenmetdenetstekkeruithetstopcontact Monteerdespatglashouder ingeklemdspatglasd m v debijgeleverdeschroef A opde beschermkap Steldehoogtevandespatglashouderin Deruimtetussendesteenendespatglas...

Page 21: ...ieuwesteenopdeas Plaatsdetweedeklemschijfopdeas ook metdehollekantnaardeslijpsteengericht Draainudemoeropdeas Niettevast Nude beschermkapmonterenendeleunspaanweerafstellen Demotorevenlatendraaien zond...

Page 22: ...res 22 NL F Ferm 63 Poistasuojakuvutk ytt m ll yll mainittujaty kaluja Oikeanpuoleisessaakselissaon oikeakierre Vasemmanakselinkierreonvasen Muista t m kunvaihdattahkoja Kierr mutteriaukihaka avaimell...

Page 23: ...njas t minen KuvaB Ty kalutukeasaas t vainsilloin kunhiomalaikkaont ysinpaikoillaanjakone onirrotettunavirtal hteest pistorasiasta Kiinnit teroitustukimahdollisimmanhyvin Teroitustuenjatahkonv linenet...

Page 24: ...lutukiainatiukastioikealleet isyydelle l koskaanj t 1 1 5mm suurempaav li ty kalutuenjahiomalaikanv liin K yt hiomalaikkaavainsiihentarkoitukseen johonseonsuunniteltu esim ty kalujen teroittamiseen l...

Page 25: ...t taimuita vaurioita 60 S SF Ferm 25 Caract ristiques Fig A 1 InterrupteurOn off 2 Porte outil droit 3 Ecranprotecteur 4 Supportdel cranprotecteur 5 Vis 6 Porte outil gauche 2 CONSIGNESDES CURITE Dans...

Page 26: ...upteurn estPASsurlaposition ON 1 avantdeconnecterlamachinesur lesecteur Toujoursmaintenirlecordond alimentation loign despi cesenmouvement Toujourseteindrelamachinedanslescassuivants Lapriseoulecordon...

Page 27: ...ulezenti rementlec ble 3 INSTALLATION Lameuleusedoit trefermementboulonn e un tabli Lalongueurdesboulonsdefixation d pendradel paisseurdel tabli Sil tabliestenm tal ilestconseill d utiliserunblocde bo...

Page 28: ...ontr lezsil interrupteurder seauestenposition OFF ARR T ou 0 avantde brancherlamachinesurler seausecteur Mettezl interrupteurder seauenposition ON MARCHE ou 1 pourmettrevotre aff teused tablienmarche...

Page 29: ...nglivsl ngdf rdinmaskin Brister Ommaskineninteskullefungerakannedanst endem jligaorsakerochl mpligal sningar varatillhj lp 56 I S Ferm 29 Pannes Silamachinenefonctionnaitpascorrectement uncertainnombr...

Page 30: ...imalt Anv ndalltidskyddsglas gon Monteringochjusteringavf rs ttaren Fig B F rs ttarenf rendastjusterasn rslipskivan rheltmonteradochmaskineninte r anslutentilleln tet v gguttaget S ttfastst dets braso...

Page 31: ...tarestadigtochmedkorrektutrymme Utrymmetmellanf rs ttarenochslipskivanf raldrigvaramed n1 1 5mm Anv ndendastslipskivanf rs dantarbetedenutformatsf r t ex slipaverktyg ochINTE f rtungtbyggnadsarbete F...

Page 32: ...ade S Ferm Informaci ndelproducto Fig A 1 Interruptordeencendido 2 Soportedelaherramienta derecho 3 Protectordeojos 4 Abrazaderadelprotectordeojos 5 Tornillo 6 Soportedeherramienta izquierdo 2 NORMASD...

Page 33: ...adelrebajeenlabrida T esde2mmyeldi metrodelorificio delhusilloesde13mm consultelaFig D Cuandoutilicelamaquina CompruebequeelinterruptorNOest enlaposici n ON 1 antesdeconectarlam quina alafuentedealime...

Page 34: ...o Loshilosdebentenerundi metrode1 5mm2 Cuandoelcabledeextensi nest enuncarrete desenrolleelcablecompletamente 3 INSTALACI N Laamoladoradebeestarfirmementesujetaconpernosaunbancodetaller Lalongituddelo...

Page 35: ...sdeenchufarlaclavijaalaredel ctrica kontrolesielinterruptorest enlaposici n PARO Aprieteelinterruptorenlaposici n MARCHA paraponersumueladobleenmarcha Mantengasiempreelcablefueradelaspartesenmovimient...

Page 36: ...terruttoredeicircuitosu inmarcia o l permettere nfunzionelavostra affilatrice Assicuratevicheilfilodialimentazionenontocchilapartemobiledellamacchina I Ferm 5 MANTENIMIENTO Antesdecualquiertrabajodema...

Page 37: ...eallapotenzadellamacchina Inucleidevono avereunasezioneminimadi1 5mm2 Selaprolunga arrotolatasudiunabobina occorre srotolarlacompletamente 3 INSTALLAZIONE Larettificatricedeveesserefissatasaldamentead...

Page 38: ...a allacorrentedialimentazione Tenereilcavodialimentazionelontanodallepartimobilidell utensile Spegnereimmediatamentelamacchinaquando Laspinaoilcavodialimentazionesonodifettosiodanneggiati L interrutto...

Page 39: ...Ocabodealimenta oeafichaest oembomestado s lido semdesgasteououtro dano P Ferm Caratteristiche Fig A 1 Interruttoreaccensione spegnimento 2 Portautensile destro 3 Schermoprotettivopergliocchi 4 Staffa...

Page 40: ...uandousaram quina Antesdeligaram quina tomada verifiqueprimeiroseointerruptorN Oest naposi o deligadoON 1 Mantenhaocabodealimenta osempreafastadodaspe asquemovem Desligueimediatementeam quinasempreque...

Page 41: ...alturacorrecta Adist ncia B entreoesmeril eosuportedaprotec odosolhosdeveserde1a1 5mm Aseguir fixeoparafuso A firmemente Posicioneaprotec odosolhosdemodoadarumaprotec om ximaduranteotrabalho Usesempre...

Page 42: ...cimadescritas Aporcadoveiono ladodireitotemaroscaparaadireita Aporcadoveionoladoesquerdotemaroscaparaa esquerda Tenhaistoematen oquandosubstituiroesmeril Solteaporcacomachavecorrecta Retireoesmerilvel...
