- arguments enclosed in angle brackets “< >” denote symbolic parameters, where spe-
cific value should be substituted
- arguments enclosed in square brackets “[ ]“ are optional. If used on a keyword, they
represent possible abbreviations
- arguments enclosed in round brackets “( )“ group the alternatives, or denote nume-
ric value of named parameter value.
- arguments enclosed in compound brackets “{}“ denote the default value
Example of abbreviation:
set cl[ass] <class> <classparam> <value>
means that both following forms are equivalent:
set cl <class> <classparam> <value>
set class <class> <classparam> <value>
set|sh[ow] <interface>|class|snmp|hostname <args>
<interface>: eth0-9, br0-9
means you can use interface name or specific keyword after set or show:
show eth0 <args>
sh class <args>
This syntax
help [ip|wlan|class|snmp|route|download|config]
means, that help command could be optionally followed by one of the given keywords.
set command
The set command is used to set all the parameters. The first argument denotes the
subsystem whose parameters is going to be set or directly a parameter:
- eth0-3, br0-9 – the networking interfaces
- class – configuring class based traffic shaping
- snmp – configuring snmp parameters
- system – configuring system parameters (date, hostname etc)
The second and further arguments specify individual parameters and their values.
set <interface>|class|snmp|download|redir|firewall|config|sys[tem] <args>
set frw|firewall <frwparam> [<value>]
set sys[tem] [host]name <hostname>