Operator's Manual Combines FENDT 5275 C-6335 C- EN - LA327317011 - 09/2011
7.) On the left-hand side of the operator seat there
is an additional seat that can be used by a
trainee during harvest.
No other persons are
allowed on the machine
This seat is not intended for
In road transport, one person employed for
agricultural jobs is allowed in the passenger
seat, provided this is permitted by local
regulations and provided that a seat for
transport of a passenger on public roads is in
accordance with the combine documentation.
Always use the seatbelts provided on the
operator seat and on the other seat, if an
instructor is present.
8.) It is advisable to keep a first-aid kit on hand.
9.) Do not brake abruptly as this could cause the
machine to swerve.
10.) When driving downhill, never exceed 20 km/h
and always stay in gear; never change into
On steep slopes, change into a lower gear.
Gradually engage the multifunction lever.
Avoid abrupt driving manoeuvres that might
cause the machine to overturn.
11.) In countries where travelling on roads with the
table attached is allowed when circumstances
permit, the table must be secured against
lowering by engaging the safety stops on the
hydraulic cylinders and locking the main crop
elevator adapter.
12.) When driving on the road at night, the front
headlights must be dipped so that the low
beam line hits the ground no further than 10 m
in front of the vehicle.
The rotating beacons must always be
operating, even when there is no need for
visual signalling and lighting devices. Switch
off the work lights.
13.) Before driving on public roads, ensure the
machine is equipped for road transport (see
WARNING: The combine may be
transported on public roads only with an
empty grain tank.
14.) If it is necessary to tow the combine due to a
mechanical breakdown, strictly follow the
procedure indicated on page 1-41.
15.) When driving on public roads towing the
cutting table, ensure that the local traffic
regulations (lights, correctly fitted trailer hitch
etc.) are complied with. Ensure the cutter bar
protection shield is fitted.