background image





Place the machine on a work bench or on a sufficiently flat
base/ pedestal to ensure the best possible stability. Should
you wish to attach the machine to a workbench, you will
need the relative accessories which must be applied to the
support feet. These are available as an optional.
Bearing in mind ergonomic criteria, the ideal height of the
bench or of the base should be such that the base surface
or the upper work surface is between 90 and 95 cm. from
the ground 

(see Fig.2)


Always ensure that there is at least 80 cm. of manoeuvring
space in all directions around the machine in order to perform
all necessary cleaning, maintenance and adjustment
operations safely with a sufficient amount of  space

(see Fig. 3)


CAUTION; Ensure the machine is placed in a
suitable position both in terms of environmental
conditions and lighting.
Always bear in mind that general environmental
conditions are of fundamental importance to
prevent accidents.



Check that the electrical system to which the machine is
connected is earthed in compliance with current safety
regulations and that the current socket is in perfect condition.
The electrical system must be fitted with a magnetothermal
protective device to safeguard all conductors from short
circuits and overload.
The selection of this device should be in line with the
following electrical specifications stated on the motor.

NOTE: Your mitre-saw’s electrical system is
equipped with an undervoltage relay which
automatically opens the circuit when the voltage
falls below a minimum pre-established limit and
which prevents the self-reset of machine
functions when voltage returns to normal levels.
If the machine stops involutarily, do not be
allarmed. Make sure that there has not been a
voltage failure in the electrical system.



The mitre-saw machine consists of three basic parts : the
machine body complete with motor 


 which is integrated

into lower part 


 by means of the joint 

and the swivel



, and the upper work unit consisting of the work



, the rest square 


and the movable blade cover



The base 

is used as rest when cutting and butting

operations have to be carried out in the different available
angles; the upper table is used as rest when trimming or
sectioning wood tables of huge dimensions and, in particular,
when cutting wood along grain.

Legend Fig. 1

 - Control handgrip


-Trademark plate / CE plate


 - Main switch start button


-Accident-prevention plate


 - Base


- Specification plate


 - Body/base swivel joint


 - Rotating bearing


 - Motor


 - Blade


 - Lever to unblock graduation


 - Button to unblock body descent


- Permanent blade shield


- Movable blade shield


- Bar clamp shaft


- Dust exhaust manifold


- Main switch release device


- Upper work surface


- Movable upper safety guard


- Bearing bracket


- Support feet


- Transport locking pin


- Angle rest at 90°


- Main switch locking device





Remove the box used to protect the machine during
transportion and keep it intact for future transportation and



This mitre-saw is small and light and, therefore, can be
easily handled by one person alone by locking the
transportation block by means of the pin 


and by lifting

the machine by means of the control handgrip 





To transport the machine, place it in the box it was in when
purchased. Ensure it is placed in the correct position indicated
by the arrows on the packaging.
Pay careful attention to the ideograms printed on the box
as they provide all necessary information for palletization
and stacking of boxes.
Tying the load down with ropes or safety belts is
recommended during transportation to stop the load from
sliding or falling.

Summary of Contents for XXX


Page 2: vom ICE Istituto Certificazione Europea SpA anerkannte Pr fstelle Nr 0303 erlassen wurde Sie entspricht ferner den Bestimmungen der folgenden weiteren Richtlinien 2006 95 EWG 2004 108 WG DECLARATIO...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...Braun Gelb Schwarz Weiss Rot E Motor Condensador Pulsador de marica Conexi nes Faston Ficha electr nica Azul Marron Amarillo Negro Blanco Rojo P Motor Condensador Bot odearranque LigacaoFaston Placa e...

Page 5: ...Non sottovalutate i richiami ATTENZIONE e CAUTELA riportati in questo manuale Al fine di attirare l attenzione e dare messaggi di sicurezza le operazioni pericolose sono precedute da simboli e note ch...

Page 6: ...BILITA ELETTROMAGNETICA Le recenti Normative Europee sulla sicurezza ed in particolare la Direttiva CEE 89 336 prescrivono che tutte le apparecchiature siano dotate di dispositivi di schermatura per i...

Page 7: ...i pallettizzazione e sovrapposizione di pi scatole Per quanto possibile buona norma fissare il carico con corde o cinghie di sicurezza per evitare spostamenti e cadute del carico durante il trasporto...

Page 8: ...ndere la testa e mettete gradualmente a contatto la lama con il pezzo da tagliare Eseguite il taglio completo del pezzo e riportate la testa nella posizione originale Spegnete il motore rilasciando il...

Page 9: ...e lavorazioni il piano di lavoro superiore tale accessorio deve essere OBBLIGATORIAMENTE utilizzato Lo spintore va impugnato nella parte A mentre la parte B dotata di diversi gradini per l adattamento...

Page 10: ...i e nel presente 1 La troncatrice non ha bisogno di alcuna lubrificazione in quanto il taglio deve essere sempre effettuato a secco compreso quello dell alluminio e delle leghe leggere tutti gli organ...

Page 11: ...del motore Il motore non sviluppa la piena potenza Il motore tende a surriscaldare Riduzione della capacit di taglio La finitura del taglio risulta grezza o ondulata Scheggiatura del pezzo tagliato M...

Page 12: ...manual Symbols and notes precede all hazardous operations both to give safety messages and to draw the users attention to danger and also to outline the appropriate behaviour to adopt to avoid such e...

Page 13: ...ance in terms of finish and cutting precision When cutting aluminium and plastics always use the appropriate clamps all workpieces must be clamped down firmly Avoid accidental starts do not press the...

Page 14: ...a voltage failure in the electrical system 1 9 MACHINE DESCRIPTION Fig 1 The mitre saw machine consists of three basic parts the machine body complete with motor 6 which is integrated into lower part...

Page 15: ...ade into contact with the workpiece Complete cutting and raise the head to its original position Turn off the motor by release the main switch button 2 3 ADJUSTING Fig 4 5 6 7 8 HAZARD All the adjustm...

Page 16: ...3 INSTALLATION AND OR REPLACEMENT OF THE BLADE Fig 11 HAZARD This procedure must be carried out only after having turned off the machine s motor by by release the main switch button 2 Release the mova...

Page 17: ...carried out by unskilled personnel 1 Do not oil the mitre saw cause cutting must be carried out in dry conditions including the cutting of aluminium and aluminium alloys all rotating parts are self l...

Page 18: ...running speed Excessive motor noise The motor does not reach full power The motor tends to overheat Decrease in cutting capacity The cutting finish is irregular or uneven Flaking of the workpiece Faul...

Page 19: ...kennen und wissen f r welche Anwendungsbereiche sie eventuell nicht geeignet ist Bewahren Sie dieses Handbuch sorgf ltig auf es geh rt zur Maschine und soll regelm ig konsultiert werden damit die Oper...

Page 20: ...rcieren Sie die Maschine nicht unn tig zu starker Druck beim S gen besch digt das S geblatt schnell was zu einer Leistungsverminderung der Maschine bei der Verarbeitung und in der Schnittgenauigkeit f...

Page 21: ...enn m glich soll die Ladung mit Seilen oder Sicherheitsriemen fixiert werden damit es w hrend des Transports nicht zu Verschiebungen kommt oder Teile der Ladung sogar herausfallen 2 4 POSITIONIERUNG A...

Page 22: ...en werden soll Schneiden Sie das St ck wie vorgesehen und bringen Sie den Kopf wieder in die Ausgangsstellung zur ck Motor ausschalten beim Loslassen der Taste 2 3 EINSTELLUNGEN ACHTUNG Bevor Sie eine...

Page 23: ...ionen konnen nur bei ausgeschaltetem motor durchgefuhrt werden Taste 2 deschalters Loslassen Zum Entriegeln der beweglichen Schutzabdeckung 11 den Sperrzahn 37 niederdr cken und gleichzeitig die Schut...

Page 24: ...GSARBEITEN Die normalen Instandhaltungsarbeiten k nnen auch von nicht ausgebildetem Personal vorgenommen werden und sind alle in den vorangehenden Abschnitten und in diesem Kapitel beschrieben 1 Die K...

Page 25: ist unsch n oder gewellt Werkst ck weist Splitter auf Motor Kabel oder Stecker defekt Sicherungen durchgebrannt Spannung zu niedrig Wicklungen besch digt Kondensator durchgebrannt Wicklungen besch...

Page 26: ...S repris dans ce Manuel Pour attirer l attention et lancer des messages de s curit les op rations dangereuses sont pr c d es par des symboles et des notes qui mettent en vidence le danger et expliquen...

Page 27: ...vec mise terre comme les tubes les radiateurs et les r frig rateurs 1 6 NORMES DE SECURITE POUR LES RISQUES RESIDUELS Ne pas forcer inutilement la machine une pression de coupe excessive peut d t rior...

Page 28: ...subitement et involontairement ne vous alarmez pas mais contr lez si la tension a t effectivement coup e dans le secteur 1 9 DESCRIPTION DE LA MACHINE Fig 1 La tron onneuse circulaire est form e de tr...

Page 29: ...z graduellement en contact la lame avec la pi ce couper Effectuez la coupe compl te de la pi ce et reportez la t te dans sa position d origine Eteignezlemoteur enrelachantleboutondel interrupteur 2 3...

Page 30: ...TION DE LA LAME Fig 12 ATTENTION Effectuez ces op rations uniquement apr s avoir bloqu le moteur de la machine en rel chant le bouton de demarrage de l interrupteur 2 D bloquez la protection mobile 11...

Page 31: par un personnel non sp cialis sont d crites dans les paragraphes pr c dents et dans ce paragraphe 1 La tron onneuse n exige aucune lubrification car la coupe doit toujours tre effectu e sec y com...

Page 32: denture utilis e soit appropri e en vous reportant au paragraphe CHOIX DE LA LAME Contr lez dans le paragraphe CHOIX DE LA LAME quelle est la denture utiliser Le moteur ne fonctionne pas Le moteur...

Page 33: ...manual Con el objeto de llamar la atenci n y dar mensajes de seguridad las operaciones peligrosas est n precedidas por s mbolos y notas que evidencias el peligro y explican c mo hay que comportarse pa...

Page 34: ...dotados de dispositivos de protecci n para las radioperturbaciones tanto desde el ambiente exterior como hacia el mismo Esta m quina est conforme con las prescripciones Las pruebas han sido efectuadas...

Page 35: ...rmen controlen si efectivamente se ha ido la tensi n en la red 1 9 DESCRIPCION DE LA MAQUINA Fig 1 La cortadora circular est compuesta por tres partes fundamentales el cuerpo central que incluye el mo...

Page 36: ...beza y ponga gradualmente en contacto la cuchilla con la pieza que se ha de cortar Realice el corte completo de la pieza y vuelva a colocar la cabeza en la posici n original Apague el motor relasciand...

Page 37: ...NTAJE Y O SUSTITUCION DE LA CUCHILLA Fig 11 CUIDADO Efect eestasoperacioness lodespu s de haber parado el motor de la m quina liberando el pulsador de marcha 2 de l interruptor Desbloquee la protecci...

Page 38: ...rsonal no especializado 1 La cortadora no necesita ser lubrificada ya que el corte debe realizarse siempre en seco incluido el del aluminio y el de las aleaciones ligeras todas la piezas de la m quina...

Page 39: ...motor no alcanza la plena potencia El motor tiende a sobrecalentarse Reducci n de la capacidad de corte El acabado del corte es irregular u ondulado La pieza cortada se astilla Motor cable de red o en...

Page 40: ...var as condi es de seguran a as opera es perigosas s o precedidas por s mbolos e notas que indicam o perigo e explicam como evitar qualquer risco Estes s mbolos e notas est o divididos por tr s catego...

Page 41: ...positivos de protec o contra radio interfer ncias tanto a partir do equipamento como exteriores Esta m quina est segura e de acordo com as normas acima referidas Foram efectuados testes de acordo com...

Page 42: ...equipado com um rel de baixa voltagem que abre automaticamente o circuito quando a voltagem baixa a n veis abaixo dos m nimos pr estabelecidos e que previne um auto restabelecimento das fun es da m q...

Page 43: a a ser trabalhada Complete o corte e levante a cabe a at sua posi o original Desligue o motor desapertando o bot o do interruptor principal 2 3 AJUSTAMENTOS ATEN O Todos os procedimentos de ajust...

Page 44: ...2 do interruptor principal autom ticamente livre o sistema de bloqueio 51 4 3 INSTALA O E OU REPOSI O DAL MINA Fig 11 ATEN O S pode levar a cabo este procedimento depois de Ter desligado o motor da m...

Page 45: ...s por pessoal n o especializado 1 N o ponha leo no serrote circular porque o corte deve ser feito a seco incluindo o corte de alum nio e liga de alum nio todas as pe as rotativas s o auto lubrificadas...

Page 46: ...m usados de acordo com o par grafo SELEC O DA L MINA Verifique os dentes apropriados a serem usados de acordo com o par grafo SELEC O DA L MINA PROBLEMA CAUSA SOLU O POSS VEL Defeito no motor no cabo...

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