12.2 Bed leveling calibration
To make sure the distance between the bed and the nozzles is consistent across the entire build plate, you need to perform a bed
leveling sequence.
When to do this calibration?
When changing to a new bed.
When the first layer is not sticking to the bed
When you see that the lines on the first layer, significantly differ in thickness from one side to the other side of the build plate.
After transporting the printer.
When the auto bed leveling routine is started. The following steps are performed:
The hot-ends heat up to 185 ˚C
2. The currently active extruder will touch the bed at a couple of points.
3. The bed leveling software turn the Z spindles to make the bed level. (Level in this case means that the distance between the
build plate and the hot-end is the same over the whole bed surface).
4. After this the software will compensate the first couple of layers to ensure a proper first layer.