1.4.4 Printer Transient Module (PTRM)
The serial output on the BSM is via an existing RS-232 RJ-11 connector, J3. This can be used to communi-
cate to the control with a laptop computer while at the panel. The PTRM module is intended for systems where
a permanent connection is required. This type of connection requires that the RS-232 port have sufficient
transient protection to comply with the applicable codes for wiring leaving the confines of the control box, as well
as the proper isolation of the signal to prevent damage or interference caused by connection to certain EDP
devices. Connections are limited to the same room. The PTRM supplies supervision and transient protection as
well as the necessary isolation.
1.5 Specifications
Power Supply
Supervisory current
1.0 amp. (max.) (24 VDC nominal)
Alarm current
3.335 amp. (max.) (24 VDC nominal)
Notification Appliance Circuits (TB1)
Two (2) regulated power outputs
Power limited
Max. alarm load 1.5 amp. /circuit
For use with any Listed appliance with operating voltage range 17-26 VDC
Use U.L. Listed End of Line Resistor EOL-N (47K), P/N 4700-0512
Trouble Dry Contacts (TB2)
Form “C”
Rated 2 amp. @ 30 VDC
Alarm Dry Contacts (TB2)
Form “C”
Rated 2 amp. @ 30 VDC
Transfer Relay Control (TB2)
To transmit loss of AC power or brown out to FCI Model DRBC-1 charger.
Power limited
Signaling Line Circuits (TB3)
One (1) or two (2) Class “B”, Style 4 circuits
24 VDC nominal
Power Limited
40 ohm max. line resistance
0.5 uf max. capacitance
Capacity of 99 analog sensors and 98 addressable devices per circuit
Earth Ground Connection (TB4)
AC Input (TB6)
120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2 amp. @ 120 VAC, 1 amp. @ 240 VAC
Non-power limited
NOTICE: Terminal TB4 must be connected to an earth ground connection per Article 760 of the National
Electric Code. Failure to make a proper earth ground connection to a metallic cold water pipe or driven
ground rod to this terminal will result in loss of lightning protection, reduce the tolerance of the system to
transients, and will adversely affect the operation of the system. Panel neutral or conduit ground is not
acceptable; minimum wire size is 14 AWG.
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