Opera ting Guide for Fcar Code Readers
The publi cati on is designed onl y for the use of FCAR products, and any organi zati on or indi vidual shall not
reproduce and ba ck up this Guide in any form (in electroni c, mechani cal, photocopying, recording forms or
other forms) without the wri tten permission of FCAR Company.
The us e of the guide is exclusive to professional a uto repairing and maintenance technicians.
The Guide onl y provides opera ting method of FCAR products , and FCAR s hall not be liable for any possible
cons equence of the use of this method that is applied to other equipment.
FCAR shall not be liable for acci dents a rising from the use of the purchaser hi mself or the thi rd pa rty,
da mages to the equipment due to the purchaser ’s incorrect use, misuse or pri va te modifi cation, repai ring
or operations and maintenance requi rements tha t a re inconsistent with the Guide, and fees and expense
for the l oss.
The Guide is based on the current speci fi cations and functions of the product. If the new s pecifi cations and
functions a re added to the product, there will be corresponding changes in the Guide without further
noti ce.
FCAR has been registered i ts tradema rk throughout the worl d, wi th the logo as
In countries
where any of the FCAR tradema rks , servi ce ma rks , domain na mes, logos and company na mes, etc. a re not
registered, FCAR claims that it still has ownershi p of non-registered tradema rks , servi ce ma rks, domain
na mes, logos and company na mes etc. Other products or company names , logos , servi ce marks etc.
referred to in the Guide s till belong to thei r respecti ve owners . Anyone, without the wri tten permission
from the owners of the appli cable tradema rks, servi ce ma rks , domain names, logos or company na mes etc.,
shall not use any tradema rks , servi ce ma rks, domain names, and l ogos of FCAR Company or other
compa nies designated by FCAR Company.
Fcar Series Product Operating Guide
Before using FCAR F3 series product, please read th e Guide carefully.
The Guide is based on the current s pecifications and functions of the product. If the new specifications
a nd functions are added to the product, there will be corresponding changes in the Guide. The new Guide
ca n be downloaded from the FCAR Company’s website (http://www.fcar.com).
Please carefully read the "Note",
and “Introductions” of the Guide to ensure that you can use
our products properly and safely.
FCAR F3 Series Main Unit Maintenance and Use Attentions
Do not a llow unauthorized demolition.