Opera ting Guide for Fcar Code Readers
Warranty Clause
Dea r Fca r users , wel come to choose Fca r F3-W products . In order to enjoy better use of the product, you
a re suggested to take good ca re of your products , and opera te the products in a ccordance wi th the opera ting
guide whenever you use i t. If you can use the products pursuant to this requi rement, you will enjoy long-term
qua lity s ervice provided by your products.
After you a re sure that the following terms and condi tions a re met and you ha ve ca refull y read the wa rranty
clause of this product, you can enjoy the free maintenance servi ce provi ded by FCAR Technology if there
a re s ome defects related to materials or workmanship on your products.
Your product mus t be purchased from product dealer tha t is authori zed by Shenzhen Fca r Technol ogy Co.,
Ltd (hereina fter referred to Fca r Technology). You ha ve to bea r the maintenance cos t for your product if
you buy the product through non-normal channels.
The following objects of the product is out of the wa rranty range: Operati ng guide, items tha t a re eas y to
wea r a nd tear such as inner a nd outer package box
Si nce the da te when the products are purchased, if the products suffer performance failure caused by
non-human fa ctors , you can choose our maintenance servi ces or repla ce the product with the same model
wi thin 15 days. You can enjoy one year warranty s ervice for the main unit
5. You ma y not enjoy free warranty s ervi ce if the products a re in any of the following cases:
Failure, defect or flaw tha t do not belong to the quality of Fca r Technology products : including your use
of the product not a ccording to the product ins truction, improper opera tion of the produ ct, crash, fall,
disassembl y by yourself, connection of improper a ccessories, dama ge owing to crash because of
improper transport or s torage of the product, the erosion a nd corrosion, etc. tha t caused by infil tration
of l i quid or food.
The na tural wear a nd tear of product: Including but not limited to cover, keypad, a ccessories etc.
Product main uni t serial number and wa rranty ca rd product serial number do not ma tch, and product
qua lity i nspection tag or bar code is removed, altered or damaged.
Ma i ntenance a nd modification without the approval of Fcar Technology or FCAR distributor
6. In case of product quality problem or failure occurri ng during the wa rranty period, you can take the
fol lowing measures:
You can dial cus tomer servi ce hot-line number of FCAR Technology:
755-82904730, a nd get right
s ervi ce i nformation.
After you get the valid response of our company, you ha ve to pos t your products to the address (see the
details following the wa rranty clause) designa ted by our company for repairi ng and maintena nce,
otherwise, you will not get timel y repai ring and maintenance. You will be responsible for the loss of your
7. In the process of product wa rranty, you should bea r relevant cost a rising before post your prod ucts to the
pla ces designa ted by Fca r Technology: including costs for pa ckage, transporta tion, deli very and i nsura nce,
8. If enjoying your free wa rranty servi ce under this wa rranty clause is the onl y measure for the losses due to