Click on touch without moving cursor: The first touch point generates a click. The cursor
follows the finger / pen movement. For a better understanding of this setting, try it with the
Draw Test application under the Tools tab.
Click on release without moving cursor: The cursor does not move to the touch position except
at the lift-off point. For a better understanding of this setting, try it with the
Draw Test
application under the Tools tab.
On the far right of the mouse icon, there is an
button. The following options are
available for the faytech display in this submenu:
Enable Constant Touch: is the function to check to enable the driver to determine if the most
recent touched position is the same as the previously touched point. If the difference is smaller
than the defined area, the driver does not generate any mouse movement which helps reduce
system load.
Enable Auto Right Click: If the touch screen is touched for a specified time, the driver will
generate a mouse right button click if this function is enabled.
Enable Touch: Be careful! If you don't check this box, the touch function will not work!
Enable Cursor Stablization: A software filter exists inside the driver to filter some noise to
stabilize and smooth the touch points. When activated, the user will experience a more stable
You can adjust the parameter for the Constant Touch Area function. This is a criterion to judge
if the most recent touched point is the same as the previously touched point. If the difference
between the two points is within this area, it will be recognized as the same touch point and the
driver does not generate a new mouse event for this touch point.
You can adjust the
Auto Right Click
Time function. If the touch screen is touched and held for
this period of time, the driver generates a right mouse click.
3. Tools tab: