3.2 Definition of responsible persons
3.2.1 Operating company
The operating company is the natural or juridical person who uses
the machine or in who's name the machine is used.
The operating company must make sure that the machine is only
used for the purpose it is intended for and in strict compliance with
the safety regulations mentioned in these operating and mainte-
nance instructions.
The operating company must determine and assess the danger in
its company. It must then take appropriate action to ensure health
and safety at work for its employees and point out any remaining
The operating company must determine whether there are special
operational hazards such as a toxic atmosphere or limiting soil
conditions. Such conditions require special, additional measures to
remove or reduce the hazard.
The operating company must make sure that all users read and
understand the information concerning safety.
The operating company is responsible for the planning and profes-
sional execution of regular safety inspections.
3.2.2 Expert / qualified person
An expert / qualified person is a person who, based on his/her pro-
fessional education and experience, has profound knowledge in
the field of construction equipment and the machine in question in
This person is acquainted with the applicable governmental indus-
trial safety regulations, accident prevention instructions, guidelines
and generally acknowledged technical rules and regulations
(standards, directives, technical rules of other member states of
the European Union or other contractual states concerning the
agreement about the European Economic Area) in as far as is nec-
essary to be able to judge the safe condition of this machine.
3.2.3 Driver / operator
This machine must only be operated by trained, instructed persons
entrusted by the operating company aged 18 or more.
Observe your local laws and regulations.
Rights, obligations and rules of conduct for driver or operator:
The driver or operator must:
be instructed about his rights and obligations,
wear protective equipment as appropriate for the application,
have read and understood the operating instructions,
Concerning your safety – Definition of responsible persons
BPR 25/40 D
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