Data can be logged at 5 seconds for >1 year with a 2 GB SD card.
The Quick Instream Q(flow) & Uncertainty Analysis Calculator (QiQuac) is a
serial datalogging / conductivity instrument intended to measure Q in active
watercourses with lateral mixing. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is intended
to aid the hydrographer by presenting a visual representation of the conduc-
tivity over time, calculating Q and the associated uncertainty. The datalogger
records continuous data at a regular interval onto an internal SD card
. The
Q±% calculations are in the RAM and don’t affect the logged data, which can be
reprocessed at a later time. Along with photos and site notes, the recorded data
provides a Qualified Professional (QP) all the necessary information to allow a
Data Grade A designation, provided proper technique and protocol is followed.
The QiQuac: Highlander Edition features a 3
Upstream Probe to measure back-
ground conductivity upstream of the point of injection. This allows for a more
accurate measure of the background ECT after compensation for probe offset
and transit time.
C H A P T E R 1: OV E RV I E W