EasyCoder 4420 and 4440 Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
ribbon specifications, 78
roll media, loading, 8
rollers, cleaning, 35
RS-232, 99
definition, 108
null modem cable schematics, 101
RS-422, 99
cable schematics, 102
definition, 109
definition, 109
described, 99
safety summary, ix
scan, definition, 109
scannable, definition, 109
schedule of maintenance, 30
selective transfer
definition, 109
described, 64
definition, 109
described, 80
sensitivity, definition, 109
adjusting the label gap, 54
adjusting the label mark, 56
cleaning label, 37
serial interface, 98
RS-232, 99
RS-422, 99
RS-485, 99
serial port
configuration, 25
description, 100
using to connect a PC to the printer, 23
serial, definition, 109
setting the media sensitivity number, 15, 16, 17
settings, factory default, 78
skip, definition, 109
skipping labels, adjusting the printer to stop, 55
soft font, definition, 109
software configuration label, printing, 16
specifications, printer, 76 to 78
speed, printing, 78
stacked symbologies,
2D symbologies
Standard protocol
definition, 110
described, 94
2D, 82
Codabar, 81
Code 11, 81
Code 128, 81
Code 16K, 82
Code 2 of 5, 81
Code 39, 81
Code 49, 82
Code 93, 81
Data Matrix, 83
EAN, 81
Interleaved 2 of 5, 81
Maxicode, 84
MicroPDF417, 83
PDF417, 83
QR Code, 84
UPC, 82
symbology, definition, 110
tear bar, cleaning, 35
terminology, used in this manual, xi
terms, manual, x
Test and Service mode
changing configuration commands from, 66
Data Line Print, 64
DIP switch settings, 63
entering, 62
exiting, 62
memory reset, 65
printing test labels, 64
selective transfer, 64
setting Emulation mode, 69
using forms adjust, 71
X forms adjust, 72
Y forms adjust, 72
test labels
printing, 64
printing a hardware, 28
thermal transfer ribbon, loading, 11, 12
thermal transfer, definition, 110
third-party software, using to communicate with the
printer, 27
throughput, increasing, 58
tools for cleaning the printer, 31
top of form position, fine-tuning, 51
top of form, definition, 110
checklist, 40
communication problems, 44
data loss, 44
print quality problems, 42
printer operation problems, 40
using LEDs, 4
twinax interface option, 80
UDC, definition,
graphic, definition
UDF, definition,
soft font, definition
understanding the front panel, 3
definition, 110
described, 82
uploading, definition, 27
user-defined protocol, 97
using the Feed/Pause button, 5