EasyCoder 4420 and 4440 Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
European Article Numbering; now also called IAN (International Article
Numbering). International standard bar code for retail food packages
corresponding to the Universal Product Code (UPC) in the United States.
Emulation mode
An operating mode in which the printer has the operating characteristics of
another printer. For example, the 3440 can operate in 8636/46 Emulation,
which emulates an Intermec 8636 or 8646 printer.
A graphic element that is the basic unit of a format. The four basic types of
fields are bar code, graphic, line, and text.
fixed data field
Bar code and text fields that never vary from one label to the next; the data
in a fixed field is a permanent part of the format.
fixed format
A format in which the data never varies from one label to the next, such as
a return address label. A fixed format needs no additional data to print a
A character set of a given type size and style. See also character set.
font file
See soft font.
format file
A collection of printer commands and data that determines the
arrangement of fields on a label.
A bitmap picture downloaded to the printer by the host before printing.
Health Industry Bar Code standard. A modified version of Code 39 that
has 43 characters, utilizes the Modulus 43 check character, and reserves
some character combinations for special usage.
A character, number, or symbol printed in a font that a human can read;
as opposed to bar code symbology, which only a machine can read.