Metal to Metal Contact
Seal Area
Incorrect Coupling—O-Ring Exposed
Correct Coupling— Metal to Metal Contact
Hydraulic Connec ons
Clean the ma ng surface of the couplings to avoid contamina ng the circuit.
2. Pull the connec on sleeve of the female coupling forward
3. Align the female and male coupling holding the connec on sleeve and thread together and turning the
4. Keep couplers aligned during connec on process. Do not push the couplings together.
5. Screw the connec ng sleeve of the female un l metal surface contact with the male coupling is complete,
the yellow O-ring should be concealed.
6. To disconnect turn the sleeve from the contact posi on using a wrench, then unscrew making sure the
couplings stay aligned through the en re process.
Warning! Do not a7empt to connect hoses with the engines and pump running.