EN | 13
7. Fence energiser operation
In the front panel you can find:
1. Operating mode indicator
2. Power and operating mode selection button (MODE)
3. Light sensor
4. Battery voltage indicator
5. Fence voltage indicator
the earthing rods and from there back to the energiser. To prevent interference caused by the current flowing in
the ground, the earthing rods should be placed so that there are no structures between the fence and the earthing
rods. If necessary, the earthing rods can be installed at a distance from the energiser using a high voltage cable.
The diameter of the earthing conductor must be at least 1 mm and it must always be connected to the earthing
rods by screw joints to ensure adequate contact. Olli earthing rods are supplied with a 3 m earthing conductor and
mounting screws.
6.3.2 Earthing in winter and in dry or rocky conditions
If the soil is extremely dry, rocky, frozen, or covered in snow, the ground may not conduct electricity well enough
for the fence to work well. In this case, earthing can be augmented by adding earthing wires to the fence – for ex-
ample, using Olli Winter Fence Tape or the two-wire fence configuration.
Instructions on how to use the winter
fence tape and build a two-wire fence can be found in the Olli Winter Fencing Guide: www.olli.fi/en/manu-
6.4 Connecting the fence energiser to the battery
After connecting the fence energiser to the fence and earthing rods, connect the energiser to the battery. For
weather protection, place the battery in a battery box. Connect the red battery clamp to the positive (+) terminalof
the battery and the black battery clamp to the negative (-) terminal of the battery.
7.1 Operating modes
A red light shines next to the symbol for the active operating mode. The light goes OFF briefly during each fence
impulse. To switch between operating modes, hold down the MODE button (2). Release the button when the indi-
cator light next to the desired mode comes ON. The operating modes are:
Full Power mode.
Energy saving Low Power mode.
Automatic Daytime mode: Full power in daylight and low power when it is dark
(for example, in case of animals grazing during the daytime).
Automatic Night-time mode: Low power in daylight and full power when it is dark
(for example, in case of protection against nocturnal predators).
No light
Standby mode: fence not electrified.
To switch the fence energiser ON or OFF, briefly press the power and operating mode selection button MODE (2).
When the battery is connected, the fence energiser continues to operate in the mode active before the battery was
disconnected. When starting from the standby mode, the fence energiser continues to operate in the mode active
before it was switched to the standby mode.
Do not cover the light sensor (3). In all modes, the energiser automatically adjusts its output according to the fence
voltage. Because of this, the battery lasts longer with a short fence that is in good condition.
If the uppermost MODE light remains ON for a long time when the fence energiser is starting up (before impulses
start), there has been a malfunction. Disconnect the battery, wait for a moment and start the energiser again.
If the malfunction reoccurs, contact service.