- Using the harder spring: the rebound is quicker.
- Using the softer spring: the rebound is slower.
Refer to the suspension adjustments on page 39.
Improper installation of the rear shock absorber spring may cause the
spring and any of its related parts to be ejected at high velocity. Always
wear eye and face protection. The installation of these parts should be per-
formed by an authorized dealer.
- Tire pressure affects traction, and tire life.
- Adjust the tire pressure to match road conditions and rider’s preference,
but do not stray too far from the recommended pressure.
Tire pressure should be checked when the tires are cold before riding.
Road conditions
- When the road is wet, muddy, sandy or slippery, reduce the tire pressure.
- On gravel roads or hard terrain, increase the tire pressure.
Spokes and wheel rims
The spokes on both wheels must be tightened evenly and should not be allo-
wed to have free play.
Wheel rim runout
Place a dial indicator at the rim side, and spin the wheel by hand to measure
the axial runout.
Place the dial indicator at the inner circumference of the wheel and spin the
wheel, the difference between the highest and lowest quantities is the ru-
If the runout is not excesive it can be corrected tightening or loosening some
spokes with the spoke adjusting wrench (B). If the wheel rim is curved or bent
it must be replaced.
A welded area on the rim may indicate excessive runout. Disregard this
when measuring rim runout.
(A) - Spoke adjusting wrench.