Rheometer Instruction Manual
Revision E, September 2014
Features and Specifications
This instruction manual supports software version 1.5.
Rheometer Features
Rheometer features (Figure 3-1) include the following:
Preprogrammed API tests— API drilling fluid and API cement
Data recording at 100, 200, 500 milliseconds, and at 1, 5, 10 sec for observing
trends and analyzing, sharing, printing, or downloading data
USB port for connecting a flash drive to save test data (CSV) that can be read
in a spreadsheet program
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) for 0.5°F accuracy and repeatability
Secure fit, left-hand turn for rotor and right-hand turn for bob to help prevent
disconnection when measuring high viscosity fluids
OLED display for high-contrast, making it easier to read
LED-lighted sample cup for lighting the fluid level
Pushbutton design for easier operation
RS485 serial connector for connecting to a computer and instantaneous control
software (optional)
DNA™ System Compatible
The DNA System is a proprietary hardware and software system
which adds capabilities to existing Fann instruments by
connecting them to a computer using Fann’s exclusive Data
Acquisition and Control Software. The system combines
individual instruments into one integrated system.