Rheometer Instruction Manual
Revision E, September 2014
5.4.5 Choosing Rotor-Bob Combination
Press blue keys to select the rotor-bob combination for your instrument.
to see more options (Figure 5-11).
Figure 5-11 Rotor-Bob Combinations
The selected rotor-bob combination will have an asterisk* next to
it. For example, in Figure 5-11, the R1-B1 is selected.
Yield Stress Adapter (YSA) is device that converts a standard
oilfield Couette viscometer into an instrument that readily and
accurately measures the yield point of various fluids, such as
particle-laden fluids, foamed fluids, or emulsions.
If YSA is selected, the viscosity (cP) value is not useable, only
dial readings can be used to calculate yield points using
mathematical models.