Fancom 743
5. Function keys
5.13.3 Minimum stock
Min. stock
Ingr.1 ... Ingr.12
Enter the total minimum ingredient amounts (kg), below which the
computer should give an alarm.
5.13.4 Additives
Add. 1 ... Add. 4
Enter whether the computer should give an alarm (NO, LOUD or
SILENT) if the additive, theoretically, is finished.
5.13.5 External alarm
Extern. input
Enter whether the computer should give an alarm (NO, LOUD or
SILENT) if an alarm is given on the external input. For example, if there
is thermal auger trouble. With LOUD alarm the entire feeding process will
be interrupted, with SILENT alarm only an alarm message will appear on
the display.
>>External alarm
Extern. input NO
>>Min. stock
Ingr 1 START 200
Ingr 2 GRAIN-I 200
Ingr 3 GRAIN-II 200
Ingr 4 FINISHER 100
Ingr 5 WHEAT 0
Ingr 6 MAIZE 0
Ingr 7 SOYA 0
Ingr 8 C.C.M. 0
Ingr 9 PEAS 0
Ingr10 TAPIOCA 0
Ingr11 INGR. 11 0
Ingr12 INGR. 12 0
Add. 1 ADDIT. 1 NO
Add. 2 ADDIT. 2 NO
Add. 3 ADDIT. 3 NO
Add. 4 ADDIT. 4 NO