Fancom 743
APPENDIX 3: Possible dosing out situations
APPENDIX 3: Possible dosing out situations
Directly into storage silo; selection via switch valve above storage silo. If the storage silo to be
filled is the same as the last storage silo filled, do not switch the valve.
max. 16
Important setting
2. Installation
6. Storage silo
Reverse valve
II Separate augers.
The after run time begins as soon as the beginning of the auger transport point reports "empty".
This can be either a weigher or a weighing hopper.
max. 16
Important setting
2. Installation
6. Storage silo
Auger after run
III Circuit with storage silo selection valves.
Important settings
2. Installation
5. Circuit
Extra distance
+ % slip
2. Installation
6. Storage silo
Reverse valve
+ Position valve
IV Circuit with reverse valve and storage silo augers.
The reverse valve can be a circular version, but also several selection valves in a row.
Important settings
2. Installation
5. Circuit
Extra distance
+ % slip
2. Installation
6. Storage silo
Reverse valve
+ Position valve
+ Auger after run