Operating Instruction
Once unit is fully assembled and the batteries installed: Turn ON/OFF
SENSITIVITY control clockwise to the “P”. Set the
DISCRIMINATION control to approx 1/3 position. Set Detecting
DISC Mode toggle to the center DISC position (located on
handle/rod).Set Magnetic Sand toggles to the NORMAL position. Set
FREQ TUNE control to the High position.
The ideal position for the SENSITIVITY knob, in most conditions, is the
“P”(preset). If interference becomes apparent, reduce the sensitivity
control (counterclockwise) until operation is smooth and stable. When not
in use, turn off the power.
Discrimination (DISC) Knob adjusts the level of rejection against
trash metals. It is active only in the Detecting DISC Mode.
The 5¢ position is recommended for most searching. The detector
will reject most iron and light foil and respond to most valuables
including jewelry.
The 1¢ position is optional. The detector will reject more trash
metals including aluminum pulltabs.$0.05 coins and some jewelry
will also be rejected.
The most useful range on the control is between the 5¢ and 1¢
When a trash metal is being rejected, it will produce a shorter
beep or flutter-sounding beep. When a good metal is accepted it will
produce consistent, smooth,
solid and longer sounding beeps.
Once the DISC control position has been selected, sweep loop
close to the ground, from side to side about one foot per-second.
Overlap each pass by at least 50%.
Once a smooth consistent beep has been located, pinpoint where to
dig by squeezing and holding the Detecting Mode toggle (located on