Ultrasonic Level Transmitter
ULM84 Series User Manual
Page 5 of 21
Industrial Automation
Doc. ULM84 Rev.99-12
Figure 10- Transmitter’s keyboard and display
It is used to confirm a setting or to open the settings of any menu; so if we be in setting the value of a
parameter mode, the value would be saved and the setting mode would be exited.
The difference between to mode is identified by showing >> symbol, as shown in Figure 11.
---- Basic Menu ---
P01 Device Mode
---- Basic Menu ---
P01 Device Mode
>> Level
16.342 mA
16.342 mA
Figure 11- Menu in setting mode (left) and navigation mode (right)
The other use of this key is to display Menu Access Privilege page, which is activated by pressing this ENT
key in normal working mode of the device. After entering the correct password if Menu Access Privilege,
settings section would be displayed.
Up Key
In lists, this key will take us to previous screens and when changing parameters, this key is used to change
the numbers, signs or choices of the parameter.
And finally when calibrating the 20 mA current output (P02 (20 mA Setup)), you can press the key for 2 to
10 seconds, to accept just detected level as the reference for 20 mA current output. Please note that if you
hold the key for less than 2 seconds or more than 10 seconds, the device ignores it.
Down Key
In lists, this key will take us to next screens and when changing parameters, this key is used to change the
numbers, signs or choices of the parameter. If the parameter belongs to multi digit numbers, the key takes
us to next significant digit.
And finally when calibrating the 4 mA current output (P49 (4 mA Setup)), you can press the key for 2 to 10
seconds, to accept just detected level as the reference for 4 mA current output. Please note that if you hold
the key for less than 2 seconds or more than 10 seconds, the device ignores it.
Esc Key
To exit any page without saving the changes of parameters, use this key.
If the devices is in normal display mode, the key opens the adjusting display brightness screen; then we can
use up and down keys to adjust the brightness and then saving the chosen brightness by pressing ENT key.