You can work the clay as much or as little as you like. When you get a shape
you are happy with stop working the clay. Let the piece dry on the wheel for
a short while.
If the clay gets too wet it may come off of the wheel. If this happens,
gather up the clay and roll it over paper towels to slightly dry it. Clean off the
wheel and then start over. Note: the circular wheel can be removed and cleaned
thoroughly if necessary.
Using your Pottery Wheel
When your piece is slightly dry you
can remove it from the wheel. Grasp
trimming tool
handles. If the
trimming cord seems too long, wrap it
around your fingers. Slide the string
straight under your piece to loosen it
from the wheel.
Pick up your piece and place it on a
piece of scrap paper or cardboard.
Please note:
Before moving on to the next step, your creations will need to
air-dry overnight.
Taking your piece off of the wheel
Slowly pull the trimming tool towards
you to loosen your piece.
Before your piece dries completely you can add texture or designs with your
clay tools or things you find around the house (textured fabrics, coins,
toothpick, paper clip, etc.)
When your piece is completely dry it’s ready to paint. You can use your white
paint as a base paint or you can paint directly onto the clay. You have two kinds
of paint. One set will give you a more opaque, solid color, the other will give you
a more translucent, glazed look. The glaze paint will look more like traditional
kiln-fired pottery. This paint works best on top of a white base coat.
Painting Your Piece
Once your piece is dry and you
have cleaned off your wheel you
can use your pottery wheel to help
paint your piece. Place your clay
piece on the center of the wheel
and add paint to your brush.
Hold the brush in the tool holder
and place up against your clay
piece. Rotate the wheel with the
foot pedal and drag the brush
onto the clay piece to get a
perfect line around your piece.
Move the brush down the piece to create a spiral effect.
When your clay is completely dry, find a special place to display your work
of art. Remember, the clay is fragile, so treat it with care. This clay is for
decorative purposes only
, and should not be used with food or beverages.
Painting with the Pottery Wheel
Use the tool holder to
help keep your brush
in place.
Rest paint brush or one of the tools on the tool rest.