Using your Pottery Wheel
While working the wheel, it may be
easier to stand. Find a table that will
let you work comfortably at the wheel.
Be sure the surface is flat.
Place the foot pedal on the floor.
Press the pedal with your foot to
get a feel for how the machine works.
You want to
your clay on your
table cover. Knead it with your hands
so that all air bubbles are removed.
Insert the tool rest into the machine.
Tool rest can go in either of these holes
Using your Pottery Wheel
the clay on the wheel -
This is a very important step. Place
the clay in the center of the wheel.
Centering the clay allows the wheel
to spin properly and makes it easier
to form a symmetrical pot. Once you
get it centered, it’s time to start
throwing your pot.
Throwing -
Put a little water on your hands
and cup them over your clay.
Start the wheel with your foot
and press down on the clay with
your cupped hands. You will
need to experiment with how much
pressure to use. Once you feel that
your clay is firmly centered on your
wheel you can start forming it into
the shape you would like.
Push your thumb and fingers into the
middle of the pot to form the opening.
Keep your hands moistened but not too
wet. You can pull your foot up off of the
wheel at any time to stop it.
Gently press your fingers or one of the tools against the side of the clay as it spins.
This will add texture and shape to the piece. If you want to smooth the clay, use
your moistened sponge and gently press it against the clay. To make your vessel
Form it into a cylinder or a ball
depending on how tall you
want your piece to be.
You can place any of the four sculpting
tools on the tool rest to add textures
and help form your piece while
using the pottery wheel.
taller, use your hands to pull the clay up as it goes around.