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Revision N° : 18
Indication for Use
3.1 Spider veins and Telangiectasia
The EVRF has a connection cable to the needle holder which accepts small insulated needles
to treat spider veins and telangiectasia. The EVRF software allows the user to pre-set an
energy level and an impulse time so that the exact energy can be administered to coagulate a
small spider vein.
Spider veins are small veins on the legs or the face with a diameter between 0,3 and 0,9 mm
which are treatable with the EVRF radio frequency.
3.2 Varicose veins
The EVRF has a special connection to the CR30KAB catheter. This catheter can be inserted
into a varicose vein through a 20 gauge access needle.
The catheter is flexible and can be routed through veins that are not too tortuous.
The EVRF software allows the user to set the energy level so that the varicose vein can be
coagulated. The tip of the flexible PTFE coated catheter is from steel and the RF energy
allows the tip to heat so that the vein coagulates.
The CR30KAB allows the coagulation of varicose veins with a diameter of about 2 to 5mm.
3.3 Perforating veins
When the valves of perforator veins become incompetent they can cause venous reflux when
the muscles contract. The resulting reflux can cause a rapid deterioration in an existing
varicose disease and be responsible for the development of venous ulcers.
3.4 Saphena parva and saphena magna.
The EVRF has a connection to a CR45i catheter which because of its larger diameter can
coagulate the large saphenous vein and the small saphenous vein.
The energy to be supplied is indicated by the lights on the EVRF device or by the sound that
each light accompanies.
The catheter is also covered with a PTFE coating. The tip of the catheter is in metal and
conducts the radio frequency signal in the vein wall. The 4 MHz vibrations of the tip make the
cells in the vein wall increase in temperature and coagulate.
Saphena magna with diameters between 5 and 18mm can be treated with the EVRF and the
CR45i catheter.
3.5 Hemorrhoids
The EVRF has a connection to the HPR45i probe, which is a small stiff probe with a non-
insulated tip. The EVRF delivers energy the same way as with the CR45i catheter to the tip of
the HPR45i probe so that the tip makes the hemorrhoidal tissue heat up and coagulate.
Hemorrhoids are also vein based so that the coagulation of the hemorrhoid will make it shrink
and fall off or disappear. Hemorrhoids of grade 2, 3 and 4 can be treated with the EVRF and
the HPR45i probe.
The fact that the outer part of the hemorrhoid is hardened because of the coagulation will
make the hemorrhoid stop growing and will make it shrink.