In the Setti ngs, select th e Encoding .
Select the detailed setting with VOL+/- button and pr ess the MEN U button.
Bit Rate Setting
Set the encodi ng bi t rate you want with
butt on.
If you set the bit rate l ow, it can be recorded for a longer time whi le the sou nd
quality wi ll be deter iorated. If you set it high, the sound quality will get better while
the recording ti me will be shor tened.
Auto Syn c Time Setting
Set the AutoSync Ti me with
AutoSync is a function to separate and save a MP3 file if there is no sound dur ing
the time set in MP3 encodi ng.
If you set it to OFF, encoding will not sto p even if there is no sound between songs
recorded in MP3 encoding, but it is save d as one fi le.
Encoding Setting
In the Setti ngs, select th e Mode Setting.
Select the detailed item with VOL+ /- button a nd then pr ess the M ENU button.
This function is to set the volu me for the time when the power is turned on.
When you turn on, the volume value sa ved when you tur ned off last i s higher th an
the defaul t volume, it will be the default volume. If it is lower than the d efault volu me,
the volume saved when you turn off is set to default vol ume. Set proper volume with
The default volume can be set from 0 to 30.
DEFAULT Value Setting
If it’s sel ected, all the settings concerning the volume a nd the pl a y mode are
initialized to the default of the pl ayer.