- Each press on the button will incr ease the volume step by step.
(can be adjusted i n 0- 30 levels..)
- Each press on the button will decrease the vol ume st ep by step.
- Pr ess short to enter int o the menu screen.
- Pr ess and hold to enter into the navigation screen.
- Pr ess short to select th e relevant item on the menu screen.
- When listeni ng to a music or a recorded file, press sh ort to move to the n ext
music while keep pressing to fast move within the cur rent played file.
- Pr ess it shor t to move to the next menu scr een.
- Pr es it short in FM radi o mode to increase the radio frequency step by step,
and press an d hold to automaticall y search for the ne xt broadcasting stati on.
- Pr ess it to m ove to the next PRE SET numb er in the F M PRESET mode.
- When listeni ng to a music or a recorded file, press short to move to the
previous music while keep pressing to fast move withi n the current played
fi le.
- On the MEN U screen, press short to move to the pre vious men u item.
Basic Operation
When liste ning to the FM radio, press short to move to the
previous frequency while ke ep pressing to automatically search for
the previous station.
In the PR ESET mo de, press short to move to the next PRESET
- During the playback, press short to specify the sectio n ‘A’ and do
so again to specif y the se ction ‘B’ for the Repeat Section. And
then another pressing short will cancel the Re peat Section.
- When liste ning to the FM radio, press and hold to record the radio
- Pr ess it short in FM R adio mode to execute AUTO PRESET and to search
for a radio fr equency automaticall y.
- Pr ess and hol d in the FM Radi o mode to start FM broadcasti ng recordi ng,
and press and hold it again to complete recor ding.
- In the HOLD status, op eration of all buttons are locked down.
- If you press any button while it is i n the HOLD status and the player is bei ng
played, it di splays the message “HOLDING!”, sticking to its pre vi ous status.
- If you press any button while it is in the HOLD status and the pl ayer is turned
off, it displa ys the message “HOLDING!”, sticking to i ts power-off status.
Basic Operation