EZ Way, Inc.
EZ Way, Inc. • (800) 627-8940 • Fax (712) 542-1899 • www.ezlifts.com
Smart Stand
Trouble-Shooting Guide
Machine will not turn on
Check battery. Make sure it is fully charged.
Check battery receiver plug. Make sure prongs are not bent or pushed
in. Call EZ Way Service for replacement.
Check fuses.
Check green connector on PC board for good connection. Make sure
all wires are tight.
Make sure on/off button is not flattened out.
Check if green LED is flashing on board. Flashing LED indicates the
PCB is getting power.
Make sure W6 jumper is in place.
No up/down but display works
Check connection at actuator.
Check voltage at actuator connection. If 24 VDC are present then the
actuator may need replaced.
If voltage is not good, check black and orange wires on green
connector at circuit board. Make sure they are not loose.
Call Service if voltage is not good and connection is good.
Continuous up/down
Unhook toggles and airlines from board. If problem still persists call EZ
Way Service.