Since you will be dealing with microfilm images that may display with other adjacent images,
we recommend setting the Snagit input setting to “
Region” or “All in One”
. This will allow you
to press the capture key (default capture key is Printscreen, but you can choose many others
under “Tools > Program Preferences > Hot Keys”) and quickly drag a box around the exact
image or area you wish to capture.
Optional Multi-Input Function
If you want to capture multiple portions of an on-screen image and want them combined on your
print and/or image file, you can check the “Multiple Area” option. This will allow you to drag
multiple boxes around areas and when you are done, a right click of the mouse will combine.
This option will not be utilized by most users but it is there if you decide to use it.
The multi-input function is an ideal mode to use for genealogists and researchers who may not
necessarily need and entire page but wish to capture a heading, article, picture and other
information from the displayed image and compile on one page for printing or saving as a digital