Locate the 2 carbon fiber rods. Cut and sand a bevel on one end of each rod to
match the angle of the horizontal stab. Drill a small hole in the bottom rear of the
fuselage to accept the carbon rod. Also remove a small amount of wood at the
attachment point on the stab to allow the rod to penetrate the stab surface. Glue
the rod in place with medium CA or epoxy. Repeat for the other side of the
fuselage. This will add an enormous amount of strength and rigidity to the
horizontal stab.
Locate the elevator control horn and glue in place with medium CA or epoxy.
Make sure to scuff the surface of the control horn before gluing. Use a #11 blade
to remove the covering from the elevator servo slot and install the servo using the
manufacturer supplied mounting hardware. Place an ez-connector on the servo
arm. Locate the elevator pushrod and insert the z-bend into the phenolic control
horn and the other end into the ez connector. Electronically center the servo and
then tighten the screw in the ez connector to clamp down on the pushrod, while
making sure the elevator is in the neutral position. Make sure to file a flat spot on
the pushrod to allow the set screw to seat properly and maintain a firm grip on the
pushrod wire. You may need to put a small bend in the pushrod. We have had
great success with the Hitec HS-65 and the JR 281.