mounting tabs and into the pre-mounted blind nuts. Make sure to use a drop of
blue Loctite on these bolts.
62. The canopy is retained by 4 x 3mm bolts and washers. Before flying the MXS
run a bead of RC-56 canopy glue all along the intersection of the canopy and its
wood frame, front and back and both sides.
63. The wings are retained by inserting the 2 nylon bolts through the holes in the
fuselage just behind the wing tube and into the preinstalled blind nuts in the root rib
of the wing. Be careful not to cross thread the bolts and inspect them periodically to
insure thread integrity. Also, included with your MXS is a set of side force
generators (SFGs) and racing wing tips. They are secured to each wingtip with 3 x
3mm bolts inserted into pre-installed blind nuts in each wing tip.
Pipe or canister installation hints
You may wish to install a tuned exhaust or canister muffler system in your aircraft.
You will need to remove the covering over the pipe tunnel. Seal the edges of the
covering to the edges of the pipe tunnel and paint a thin coat of alcohol thinned epoxy to
seal the wood in the tunnel.
Set-up and trimming
Besides basic assembly, this is the most important part of preparing your airplane for
flight. It can also be the most time consuming, but once your plane is properly dialed in