Items needed for completion:
Masking tape.
Hobby knife with #11 blades.
Thin and medium CA. We highly recommend Mercury M5T thin and M100XF
medium formulas as well as the Mercury glue tips.
30 minute epoxy. Mercury Adhesives Epoxies have worked very well for us.
Blue and Red Loctite.
Electric drill with an assortment of small drill bits.
Small flat head and Phillips head screw drivers.
Standard and needle nose pliers.
Side cutters.
Metric ball driver or allen key set.
Sanding block and sandpaper.
5 x Hitec HS-9380TH, MKS HV-777, HBL-380 X8 or comparable servos.
1 x standard size servo for the throttle.
2 x 1.5” single aluminum Servo Arms for the ailerons
2 x 2” single aluminum arms for the elevators
1 x 4” double offset aluminum arm for the rudder.
2 x 6” Servos Extensions.
2 x 12” Servo Extensions.
1 24" Servo Extension.
2 x 36” Servo Extensions. If you need to remove the stabs for transport use 48"
4” Spinner.
60cc-70cc gas engine.
Engine Manufacturer recommended prop.
The Ultracote colors used on the MXS are as follows:
Yellow/Blue/White color scheme: Bright Yellow, White, Midnight Blue
Red/White/Blue color scheme: True Red, White, Midnight Blue