Fuselage Assembly
15. We’ll begin by installing the landing gear. Locate the carbon fiber main landing gear,
4-4mm bolts, lock nuts and washers. Insert the gear into the slot on the bottom of the fuselage and center
it in the slot. Secure the landing gear with 4 4mm bolts, washers and nylon
insert lock nuts by inserting
the bolts and washers into the pre-drilled holes in the aluminum gear mounts inside the fuselage with a
long T-handle wrench. Secure with the 4mm nylon insert lock nuts
16. The landing gear fairings add a nice scale touch to the aircraft. If you wish to use them, slit the
supplied black neoprene tubing length wise with a sharp hobby knife. Push the tubing onto the rim of
the fairing and secure with CA. Slide the fairing onto the gear and up against the fuselage. Secure the
fairing to the gear with "Goop" silicon glue.