S ince the 85" E dge 540T (and most of our other giant scale models) now come pr e-hinged and the hinge
gaps sealed, the most time consuming task of the assembly pr ocess has been eliminated. T his leaves a
ver y mini mal amount of gluing for the assembler , which consists of installing the composite contr ol hor ns
in the ailer ons, elevator s and r udder , with only the r udder hinges needing to be glued. F or this r eason we
r ecommend that you spend the fir st hour or so of assembly completing this task . A fter this has been
completed the r est of the assembly pr ocess consists of installing components into and onto the air fr ame.
1. L ocate the pr oper contr ol hor ns and base plates for each flying surface. Place the 2 contr ol hor ns into
the baseplate and car efully insert them into the pr e-cut slots in the contr ol sur face. Use a fine tipped felt
mar k er to tr ace ar ound the baseplate.
2. R emove the hor n assembly and use your #11 blade to r emove the cover ing fr om inside the ink line that
you tr aced ar ound the contr ol hor n base. W ipe away the ink line with a paper towel soak ed in denatur ed