21. T he distance fr om the fr ont face of the motor box to the motor dr ive washer is 172mm or 6.8 inches
(this is the length of the D L E -61, the longest of the engines r ecommended). B ecause the D A -50 is the
r ecommended motor we have included a set of machined aluminum standoffs to be used in conj unction
with the stock 2.5" standoffs included with the D A -50 to achieve the pr oper spacing.
22. T he following photos show the G P-61 and X pwr 40 mounted on an 85" air fr ame. W e used a B lazing
S tar D A -60 mount for the G P-61 (they shar e the same mounting patter n) and the full length B lazing S tar
X X L S tandoff S et to achieve the pr oper spacing with the X pwr 40. Y ou may notice we used a hack saw to
r emove 1" fr om the muffler downpipe to mak e fitting the cowl easier .