C ontr ol sur face thr ows
I highly r ecommend that you pur chase a thr ow meter that measur es in degr ees. T here ar e sever al units
available commer cially. T hese units ar e a gr eat aid in set-up and definitely beat the “that look s about
r ight” method. F or any type of pr ecision flying, sur faces that tr avel equal distances ar e a must. T he
following contr ol surface travels ar e what I use on my own E dge. T hese ar e a good star ting point, but ar e
by no means the only way to set up the E dge. S tar t her e and then adj ust to fit your own pr efer ences and
style of flying.
E levator : 10-12 degr ees low r ate, 18-20% exponential
all you can get for high r ate, 50-60% exponential
A iler on: 18-20 degr ees low r ate, 30-40% exponential
all you can get for high r ate, 50-60% exponential
R udder: 20 degr ees low r ate, 50% exponential
all you can get for high r ate, 60-70% exponential.
A gain, this is j ust a star ting point. A dj ust to your lik ing.
T hank s again for your pur chase of the E xtr eme F light R C 85" E dge 540T
A R F . I hope you enj oy assembling and flying your s as much as I have mine.
S ee you at the flying field!
C hr is H inson
E xtr eme F light R C