once the power cable at the back of the generator has been connected, move the switch, also located on the back, to (I).
The switch at the back of the generator powers the generator board.
The generator remains off and a first screen appears on the panel reading oFF.
lIne FreqUency 50/ 60hz
If the generator is installed in a country with a frequency of 60Hz, the generator will display "incorrect line frequency". In this case, adjust the
frequency to 60Hz.
SeT clocK
xx:xx - dd/mm/yy
date and time setting
language setting
date and tIme SettInGS
This menu allows the date and time to be set.
lanGUaGe SettInG
This menu allows the preferred language to be selected.
SeT clocK
xx:xx - dd/mm/yy
date and time setting
language setting
the applIance may FaIl tO lIGht BecaUSe the aUGer IS empty and nOt alwayS aBle tO lOad the BUrn pOt
wIth the neceSSary qUantIty OF pelletS In tIme tO reGUlarly IGnIte the Flame.
IF the prOBlem OccUrS aFter Only a Few mOnthS OF OperatIOn, check that the rOUtIne cleanInG
deScrIBed In the StOve BOOklet haS Been carrIed OUt cOrrectly.
dO nOt USe any type OF FlammaBle lIqUIdS FOr IGnItIOn!
dO nOt allOw the BaG OF pelletS tO cOme IntO cOntact wIth the BOIlInG hOt StOve dUrInG the
FIllInG phaSe!
In the event OF cOntInUed FaIlUre tO lIGht, cOntact an aUthOrISed technIcIan.
It IS prOhIBIted tO USe the applIance wIthOUt the partItIOn
and/Or Flame GUard (See FIGUre On SIde).
remOval wIll cOmprOmISe the SaFety OF the prOdUct and
reSUlt In the ImmedIate nUllIFIcatIOn OF the warranty
In the event OF wear Or deterIOratIOn, reqUeSt the part'S
replacement FrOm the aFter-SaleS ServIce.
(replacement dOeS nOt Fall wIthIn the prOdUct warranty aS
the part IS SUBject tO wear).
Burn poT pArTITIon
FlAme guArd
Summary of Contents for ANASTASIA PLUS
Page 2: ...ENGLISH 2 ...
Page 26: ...A B C E E E F F D F D D ENGLISH on applicable models 26 ...
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