MANUGENJSMART705 - Version 1.00
© 2020 EXOR International S.p.A. - Subject to change without notice
4 Technical Data
4.2 Installation Environment and procedure
Avoid prolonged exposition to direct sunlight to avoid the risk of overheating the device.
The equipment is not intended for installation in contact with corrosive chemical compounds. Check the
resistance of the front panel to a specific compound before installation.
Do not use tools of any kind (screwdrivers, etc.) to operate the touch screen of the panel.
IP67 is guaranteed only if a JSCAxxxx cable is used and if:
• max deviation from the plane surface to the cut-out:
thickness of the case where is mounted the equipment: from 1,5mm to 3mm
• max surface roughness where the gasket is applied:
120 um
Tightening torque: 1000Ncm for nut, 130Ncm for screws
Usable cable
Max 3mm
JSCAxxxx (IP67)
Max 10mm
Standard Ethernet