sweet potatoes do not have to be cooked
before they’re eaten. You can substitute
rosemary with other dried spices like garlic
powder, onion powder, nutritional yeast, paprika,
or cayenne pepper.
Lay slices on dehydrator trays without
overlapping. Dehydrate 6-10 hours at 125ºF.
Cool chips completely.
store in airtight container for several weeks.
Cut sweet potato into paper-thin slices with
mandolin or sharp knife. Place slices in bowl,
and gently rub in oil and lemon juice until well
coated. Add rosemary and salt, and toss to
sweet Potato & Rosemary Chips
1 large sweet potato
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. dried rosemary, crushed
1/2 tsp. sea salt
In blender, blend 1/2 cup water from dates with
almond extract, dates and shredded coconut.
Dough should be thick. Drop 1 tsp of dough on
drying sheet or Parchment paper. Dehydrate
14-20 hours at 115ºF. Turn over dough drops
about half-way through drying cycle.
10 minutes to prepare, 22-24 hours to dehydrate,
makes 30-45 cookies.
Coconut Macaroons
2 cups almonds soak for 8 hours
1 cup shredded coconut
1 tsp. almond extract
6 -10 pitted dates
soak for 2 hours