Operation & adjustment
1) Adjust the knob for
the rockshaft pressure to 2000+:
it cannot lift the drill frame by itself
anymore. You want the rockshaft rolled over completely so that it’s sloped downward at the rear
by 15 – 20 degrees – it should remain in this position at all times during operation. Running the
rockshaft at 2000 – 3000 helps it to quickly overcome the resistance from the opener circuit
(which remains pressurized with openers up) when lowering the openers to begin the pass.
2) Adjust the knob for the opener pressure (the UniForce system) until you are maintaining a
reasonably uniform depth of cut. Running more than necessary, however, will cause sidewall
compaction. Common range is 800 – 1400.
3) If you’re drilling in steep terraces and the pressure on the opener circuit drops unacceptably
after the opener rank has passed over the terrace peak, this means that hydraulic flow is too low
which can be remedied by: 1)
increasing the flow setting for that remote on the tractor (we prefer
setting it at max flow);
2) using a tractor with greater hydraulic capacity, 3) installing Exapta’s
accumulator for the UniForce system, 4) teeing two remotes together (especially useful on older
4) Keep pressure on the cylinder circuit during transport, to prevent openers from flopping around
and causing damage to themselves, CCS tanks, or other structures.