ES 2050/51
Status and regeneration messages
Status and Regeneration messages
LED - display
Whilst a unit is in service the LED - display indicates the remaining volume of water which can be
softened before the next regeneration will be required.
When operating without a water meter, i.e. in time control, the display usually shows the full capacity
between regeneration’s.
During the regeneration of a simplex plant the display will read " 0 m
If the maximum value of 9999 is exceeded the LED display will show the text "OFL" as long as the value
is to high.
NB! There is an additional "decimal point" in the bottom right hand corner of the display. This flashes
when flushing has been commenced (see step 15 in the basic programme.
LED - control lamps
Coloured lamps are used to give the most important status indications.:-
Unit 1 in service (green)
Unit2 in service (green)
Unit 1 in regeneration (yellow)
Unit 2 in regeneration (yellow)
Message (red)
Fault (red)
Additional information is provided by the LCD display
LCD - display.
Service status
The first line of the LCD display indicates the actual condition of the plant, e.g. unit 1 in service.
Usually during the service cycle the following information is given by the second line of the LCD:
The left hand part of the line shows the incoming water hardness which has been programmed
The current time is displayed on the right.
Service unit 1
200mg/l 17:00