ES 2050/51
Special functions
Special functions.
These functions should only be used by a trained specialist, ill considered use of these functions will
cause operating problems.
Duty changeover without regeneration.
Press the "UNLOCK" key
and the "INFORMATION" key
simultaneously. On a duplex plant duty
changeover takes place after 2 seconds delay.
There are separate counters for each exchange column. If an almost exhausted column is
brought into service, then that unit may require regeneration whilst the other unit is in regeneration. The
"period capacity exceeded" warning will be displayed.
Regeneration of the standby unit
Press the "TIME" key
simultaneously with the "UNLOCK" key
. On a duplex plant regeneration of
the stand by unit is initiated after 2 seconds delay.
Regeneration stop.
and the "UNLOCK" key
simultaneously. The
regeneration in progress will be aborted after 2 seconds and the plant will be return to the normal service
IMPORTANT Pilot stagers for manifold valves may not have an automatic "return to service" facility
when the control is returned to the service condition, this type of stager will hold the plant in regeneration
mode and will no longer be synchronised with the controller.
IMPORTANT If chemical has been drawn into the plant it will be necessary to rinse the chemicals out
before allowing the plant to supply water to service.