Functional characteristics
TIG welding
Item No.: 099-002046-EWM01
Advanced settings
To change the advanced setting parameters, hold down the "Welding parameters" button
for 2 seconds after selecting the welding process.
The following diagram shows the setting options.
Figure 5-7
Display Setting/selection
Switch ignition mode
on = HF ignition/off = Liftarc
Switch on
Switching on machine function
Switch off
Switching off machine function
Gas pre-flow time
Setting range: 0.0 s to 5.0 s (0.1 s increments)
Ignition current
Setting: 1% to 200% of main current AMP (factory setting 20%)
Upslope time to main current
Setting: 0.0 sec. to 20.0 sec. (factory setting 1.0 sec.)
End-crater current
Setting range in percent: 1 % to 200 % depending on main current