8.2 Accessing LIFTKIT
To access the programmed positions in the UR motion pro-
gram, a URCaps command must be inserted in the program
sequence, then the position can be accessed in this ‘LIFT’
8.2.1 Insert a URCaps command
In the Structure tab (e-Series: left menu bar), choose
URCaps and select LIFTKIT.
8.2.2 Access a LIFTKIT position
To access a LIFTKIT position, select the LIFT command in
the Robot Program and select the Command tab.
From the drop down menu, the set up positions can be se-
lected. After selection, this position is automatically set at
this command point.
To move to this position immediately, keep the ‘Move to
Position’ button pressed until the position is reached.
8.2.3 Access positions in script
The current position of LIFTKIT can be accessed with a
function call to
var := get_liftkit_position()
To set a position of LIFTKIT, use a function call:
var := move_liftkit(x)
where x is the position in mm